The light bulb has finally come on!!!
What better horse to have John Lyons work with (one of two horses scheduled for that day) than the infamous Taser Gun?
On Saturday, July 19 Taser Gun will come face to face with internationally known horse trainer, John Lyons on Taser's own turf at the ASAP farm near Genoa, Wisconsin.
Taser Gun retired in 2007, and has been living the life of luxury for the past ten months at the ASAP farm. He was slowly acclimated to a small herd of pasture mates, and director Susan Wellman now feels that it is time for Taser to learn a new discipline, as a saddle horse! Taser Gun is known around the world as a harness racer, breaking all kinds of speed records and having lifetime earnings of over 1.3 MILLION dollars! He experienced many career wins in Chicago and other Illinois race tracks, and traveled to win races in many other places.
So what better person to retrain Taser to saddle than John Lyons? What might Taser Gun present to John as a challenge? Mr. Walker, longtime trainer of Taser Gun, spoke with Susan over the phone. "Just be careful when you go to cinch him up. He used to come straight up on me when we put his harness on!" Mr. Walker also spoke in hind sight when he said that if he had known what a race horse they had and how much he would make, they would never have gelded him. "On the other hand", he stated, "Taser might just have killed me if we hadn't gelded him!". Susan has taken Taser on walks down country roads and has done ground work with Taser. He appears to be a spirited, yet obedient horse. He loves attention, but for so long, then he has had enough. To see his speed as he races around in the paddock brings about a desire to
be on his back, as long as he can be controlled!
So who will present who with the challenge? Are your bets on Taser? Or John Lyons? On the other hand, I have never seen a horse John Lyons could not build relationship and compliance with. In 2006, John Lyons had Candy Speed, a 12 year old Standardbred mare who had never been raced or ridden, under saddle and doing sidepasses within 45 minutes!
Please consider donating towards the cost of this spectacular clinic. We need to raise funds to pay John for his time at ASAP - which is going to be at least $5,000. Without increased ticket sales or donations, the amount will not be raised to pay John. In the name of Taser, think about a donation today! Pay Pal is gladly accepted!