Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
We are currently offering TIMESAREACHANGING for adoption. This great race
horse is sound and beautiful. He has been at the ASAP farm for one and a
half years, and was intended to stay. He does, however, have behaviors
which are preventing him from being successfully acclimated in any herd we
have tried, as he tends to be extremely dominant. He has injured at least
three geldings this year by chasing them and hurting them. He has driven
one gelding through a barbed wire fence. We do not believe he is
cryptorchid, as he has not attempted to mount mares, but if there are any
mares on anyone's property this horse is going to present problems. I love Times so very much, this is a very difficult decision - but it is
for the good of all the other horses at ASAP that this must happen. Times
is trained to ride and is a wonderful riding horse. He is truly gorgeous
- if you think you have what it takes to make the perfect home for him,
please contact me. Also, just in - a 17.2 hand Standardbred gelding! He is trained to ride -
needs more manners when being handled on the ground. Pictures soon. Sue
horse is sound and beautiful. He has been at the ASAP farm for one and a
half years, and was intended to stay. He does, however, have behaviors
which are preventing him from being successfully acclimated in any herd we
have tried, as he tends to be extremely dominant. He has injured at least
three geldings this year by chasing them and hurting them. He has driven
one gelding through a barbed wire fence. We do not believe he is
cryptorchid, as he has not attempted to mount mares, but if there are any
mares on anyone's property this horse is going to present problems. I love Times so very much, this is a very difficult decision - but it is
for the good of all the other horses at ASAP that this must happen. Times
is trained to ride and is a wonderful riding horse. He is truly gorgeous
- if you think you have what it takes to make the perfect home for him,
please contact me. Also, just in - a 17.2 hand Standardbred gelding! He is trained to ride -
needs more manners when being handled on the ground. Pictures soon. Sue
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Upcoming Events
Hello! Just thought I would update you on our financial state.
Super Night last week was done by two dedicated ASAP volunteers and
adopters. They invested their own money and time to be at the track.
They were able to receive $106 in donations from Balmoral that night.
This was a very meager amount, but a valiant effort by Adrienne and Lou. Adoptions in past two weeks: 0
Adoption fees in past two weeks: $0
Horses gifted during month of September - 2 - Craig invested his own time
and money to ship the horses to their new homes. Luckily, they were only
going about 40 miles, and to a great home with adopters of Nickel Slick
and a mare whose name now escapes me but I will come up with it! Donations in past week - $100 Foster homes desiring to return horses to program before winter - 3
Room at farm - none
Horses in crisis include one in Illinois, and two more horses in Illinois
desperately need to be rehomed due to sale of farm. Our feed bill last week: $275 - we receive feed every other week at the
rate of 1300-1400# of mixed sweet feed with Equishine vitamins from the
feed mill in Chaseburg. If you double $275 you come up with $550 a month
alone in feed costs. Hay delivered last week: 360 bales @ $2.00-$2.50 a bale
We have no way of paying this hay bill at this time. Unless homes can be found for winter, six horses will return to the ASAP
farm next month, leaving our farm with overcrowding. Upcoming events: In order to raise much-needed funding for horses in
need, ASAP has recruited several volunteers to serve beverages during the
Bret Michaels concert on Tuesday September 28 at Oktoberfest in La Crosse.
ASAP will be paid $400 for serving. Later, on October 2, ASAP will be
serving beverages again at the south side Festgrounds during Oktoberfest
in order to make money to pay bills. This will give ASAP another $350. Thanks to everyone so far who has volunteered - please email me to confirm
which night you will be guest bartending!!! Fundraiser at Romance Store - Saturday October 16 - karaoke, band, food,
beverages, time to share you horses if you decide to bring them (proof of
2010 coggins original and copy required), and trail ride at Duck Egg on
Sunday! Camping is $10. Tickets are $10 each - door prizes, food, fun,
and silent auction! We are working very hard in order to pay basic bills. We currently have
two round bales feeders that are completely shot from wear and tear that
we are hoping to replace. We have six senior horses that need dental work
before winter but we cannot do any of these things without support. Spread the word that horses need homes!! Don't forget to contact me if
you can help us during Oktoberfest. Thanks to Kelly Wilde for his support
and volunteering his karaoke for our fund raiser! Thanks also to Kelly
Wilde for his public service announcements on local radio station 100.1
and other media sources.
Super Night last week was done by two dedicated ASAP volunteers and
adopters. They invested their own money and time to be at the track.
They were able to receive $106 in donations from Balmoral that night.
This was a very meager amount, but a valiant effort by Adrienne and Lou. Adoptions in past two weeks: 0
Adoption fees in past two weeks: $0
Horses gifted during month of September - 2 - Craig invested his own time
and money to ship the horses to their new homes. Luckily, they were only
going about 40 miles, and to a great home with adopters of Nickel Slick
and a mare whose name now escapes me but I will come up with it! Donations in past week - $100 Foster homes desiring to return horses to program before winter - 3
Room at farm - none
Horses in crisis include one in Illinois, and two more horses in Illinois
desperately need to be rehomed due to sale of farm. Our feed bill last week: $275 - we receive feed every other week at the
rate of 1300-1400# of mixed sweet feed with Equishine vitamins from the
feed mill in Chaseburg. If you double $275 you come up with $550 a month
alone in feed costs. Hay delivered last week: 360 bales @ $2.00-$2.50 a bale
We have no way of paying this hay bill at this time. Unless homes can be found for winter, six horses will return to the ASAP
farm next month, leaving our farm with overcrowding. Upcoming events: In order to raise much-needed funding for horses in
need, ASAP has recruited several volunteers to serve beverages during the
Bret Michaels concert on Tuesday September 28 at Oktoberfest in La Crosse.
ASAP will be paid $400 for serving. Later, on October 2, ASAP will be
serving beverages again at the south side Festgrounds during Oktoberfest
in order to make money to pay bills. This will give ASAP another $350. Thanks to everyone so far who has volunteered - please email me to confirm
which night you will be guest bartending!!! Fundraiser at Romance Store - Saturday October 16 - karaoke, band, food,
beverages, time to share you horses if you decide to bring them (proof of
2010 coggins original and copy required), and trail ride at Duck Egg on
Sunday! Camping is $10. Tickets are $10 each - door prizes, food, fun,
and silent auction! We are working very hard in order to pay basic bills. We currently have
two round bales feeders that are completely shot from wear and tear that
we are hoping to replace. We have six senior horses that need dental work
before winter but we cannot do any of these things without support. Spread the word that horses need homes!! Don't forget to contact me if
you can help us during Oktoberfest. Thanks to Kelly Wilde for his support
and volunteering his karaoke for our fund raiser! Thanks also to Kelly
Wilde for his public service announcements on local radio station 100.1
and other media sources.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Super Night Pictures!
Special thanks to Lou and Adrienne for taking the time to drive all the
way to Crete, Illinois for Super Night at Balmoral. Thanks to Joanna's
Flyin Star for being a gracious host in Billy's Barn! Many children and
adults alike got to pet Joey, and there were several owners who came to
inquire about horses they have donated to ASAP and to get an update. Everyone enjoyed their evening, and I was able to share ASAP with many
people who came to watch the harness races at the Vernon County Fair. We
had a poster up in the horse barn as well, with many people asking
questions about adoption and the wonderful breed we serve. More pictures to follow of the county 4-H horse show....but wanted to
share these first!
way to Crete, Illinois for Super Night at Balmoral. Thanks to Joanna's
Flyin Star for being a gracious host in Billy's Barn! Many children and
adults alike got to pet Joey, and there were several owners who came to
inquire about horses they have donated to ASAP and to get an update. Everyone enjoyed their evening, and I was able to share ASAP with many
people who came to watch the harness races at the Vernon County Fair. We
had a poster up in the horse barn as well, with many people asking
questions about adoption and the wonderful breed we serve. More pictures to follow of the county 4-H horse show....but wanted to
share these first!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Foster Care Opportunities
This past weekend has brought many issues that are difficult to resolve
without having a 100 acre farm.
I just had an idea to reach out to see if anyone is interested in
providing foster care for the winter months for any of the following
horses: Strawberry Jacki - sorrel Quarter horse mare out of Two - Eyed Jack. She
is now 21 years of age, but has been ridden this summer. She still does
light trail rides. Her hips show signs of age but she is healthy and has
been on full turnout all summer in pasture donated by dear neighbors. She
deserves a home where she can get the attention and riding she deserves. She is in the Genoa area. Little Jeffrey John - 13 year old black Standardbred gelding - this horse
has been at the ASAP farm for all but two years of the past 11 years. He
was donated as a 3 year old after bowing a tendon on the track. He has
been trail ridden in the Black Hills and most trails in a tri-state area. Little John knows how to untie knots when standing tied, and is quite the
character. He is overweight, having spent his summer in pasture with
Strawberry. Little John needs an intermediate rider. He is a great horse
on trails but does not lead out well. He is beautiful, and we would like
to see him go to winter home with Strawberry. Genoa area. DT - this Standardbred gelding is in his early teens. He is tall and bay
in color. He has a heart of gold and loves people. He is always at the
bottom of the pecking order within a herd, so needs to be monitored to be
sure that he is getting enough to eat. He is easy to ride and children
have ridden him the past few months and he is currently in foster care
near Sparta. Goodnight Starship - this black Standardbred is tall and beautiful, and he
is trained to ride. Goodie has been in one home most of his life and is
in his teens. Recently he was brought back to ASAP due to adopter's
failing health. He has not found a permanent home yet, and his current
foster care provider would like to return him to ASAP, but we are hoping
and praying for the right home to come along. He is submissive in a herd,
and can be skittish when frightened. He loves people and attention and
wants very much to be a good boy. Bangor/Sparta area. Superbowl Joe - Joe is in Illinois and is trained to ride. He needs an
intermediate rider. He is full of energy and is sweet. He has never been
at the ASAP farm since he was adopted straight from Illinois to a home
within that state. He is sound and healthy. SANCTUARY HORSES: Steelin Apples - 13 year old Standardbred gelding - bay - 15'3 hands -
Apples has nerve damage in his front legs as a result of reaction to
injections while racing. He still can be ridden, and did go out on a
trail ride last weekend. He cannot do a lot of steep hills, as going down
affects the nerves in his front legs. He is sweet, loving, kind, and has
been used as a day camp horse for kids with disabilities. Bob Cook - approximately 17 years old, 17 hands high, and black bay, Bob
Cook could pass for being part Fresian! He has an old fracture in his
front leg which affects his soundness, but he has been on full pasture
turnout for the entire summer and is walking without hardly a limp. Bob
is extremely gentle. He is extremely willing. He is an easy keeper. Genoa area Stylish Sharon - 20+ year old Standardbred mare who made a lot of money as
a race horse. She is slightly built, petite, and shows some age. She
needs extra feed for the winter months to keep her at an appropriate
weight. She needs to be evaluated for dental work. Sharon is in love
with Steelin Apples. She is mostly sound, but needs to be treated as a
geriatric horse. Genoa area. Arne - this 17 year old Standardbred gelding sustained a hock fracture
many years ago. He has a slightly roached back from the injury, and his
hock is very large with scar tissue. In the winter his hock gets sore and
he may hold his leg up periodically. Arne has a long thick mane and tail
that almost touches the ground. He and Bob have been pasture mates for
many years. They are very attached to one another and it would be nice to
see them kept together for the winter. Arne has been ridden many times
ddespite his hock fracture, around the yard and driveway. He is loving
and kind. Genoa area. These are only a few of the many horses who have either never found homes
or are still waiting for a family. Even if you cannot adopt, would you
consider providing winter care? Please contact Sue if you are able!
without having a 100 acre farm.
I just had an idea to reach out to see if anyone is interested in
providing foster care for the winter months for any of the following
horses: Strawberry Jacki - sorrel Quarter horse mare out of Two - Eyed Jack. She
is now 21 years of age, but has been ridden this summer. She still does
light trail rides. Her hips show signs of age but she is healthy and has
been on full turnout all summer in pasture donated by dear neighbors. She
deserves a home where she can get the attention and riding she deserves. She is in the Genoa area. Little Jeffrey John - 13 year old black Standardbred gelding - this horse
has been at the ASAP farm for all but two years of the past 11 years. He
was donated as a 3 year old after bowing a tendon on the track. He has
been trail ridden in the Black Hills and most trails in a tri-state area. Little John knows how to untie knots when standing tied, and is quite the
character. He is overweight, having spent his summer in pasture with
Strawberry. Little John needs an intermediate rider. He is a great horse
on trails but does not lead out well. He is beautiful, and we would like
to see him go to winter home with Strawberry. Genoa area. DT - this Standardbred gelding is in his early teens. He is tall and bay
in color. He has a heart of gold and loves people. He is always at the
bottom of the pecking order within a herd, so needs to be monitored to be
sure that he is getting enough to eat. He is easy to ride and children
have ridden him the past few months and he is currently in foster care
near Sparta. Goodnight Starship - this black Standardbred is tall and beautiful, and he
is trained to ride. Goodie has been in one home most of his life and is
in his teens. Recently he was brought back to ASAP due to adopter's
failing health. He has not found a permanent home yet, and his current
foster care provider would like to return him to ASAP, but we are hoping
and praying for the right home to come along. He is submissive in a herd,
and can be skittish when frightened. He loves people and attention and
wants very much to be a good boy. Bangor/Sparta area. Superbowl Joe - Joe is in Illinois and is trained to ride. He needs an
intermediate rider. He is full of energy and is sweet. He has never been
at the ASAP farm since he was adopted straight from Illinois to a home
within that state. He is sound and healthy. SANCTUARY HORSES: Steelin Apples - 13 year old Standardbred gelding - bay - 15'3 hands -
Apples has nerve damage in his front legs as a result of reaction to
injections while racing. He still can be ridden, and did go out on a
trail ride last weekend. He cannot do a lot of steep hills, as going down
affects the nerves in his front legs. He is sweet, loving, kind, and has
been used as a day camp horse for kids with disabilities. Bob Cook - approximately 17 years old, 17 hands high, and black bay, Bob
Cook could pass for being part Fresian! He has an old fracture in his
front leg which affects his soundness, but he has been on full pasture
turnout for the entire summer and is walking without hardly a limp. Bob
is extremely gentle. He is extremely willing. He is an easy keeper. Genoa area Stylish Sharon - 20+ year old Standardbred mare who made a lot of money as
a race horse. She is slightly built, petite, and shows some age. She
needs extra feed for the winter months to keep her at an appropriate
weight. She needs to be evaluated for dental work. Sharon is in love
with Steelin Apples. She is mostly sound, but needs to be treated as a
geriatric horse. Genoa area. Arne - this 17 year old Standardbred gelding sustained a hock fracture
many years ago. He has a slightly roached back from the injury, and his
hock is very large with scar tissue. In the winter his hock gets sore and
he may hold his leg up periodically. Arne has a long thick mane and tail
that almost touches the ground. He and Bob have been pasture mates for
many years. They are very attached to one another and it would be nice to
see them kept together for the winter. Arne has been ridden many times
ddespite his hock fracture, around the yard and driveway. He is loving
and kind. Genoa area. These are only a few of the many horses who have either never found homes
or are still waiting for a family. Even if you cannot adopt, would you
consider providing winter care? Please contact Sue if you are able!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Joanna's Flyin Star
Enjoy the pictures of Joannas Flyin Star, adopted by Louanna W. of
Wisconsin! She enjoyed showing the children from church how nice a horse
he is, and they even got to go for a pleasant ride in the cart! Joannas Flyin Star may be at Balmoral Park for Super Night this year!
Wisconsin! She enjoyed showing the children from church how nice a horse
he is, and they even got to go for a pleasant ride in the cart! Joannas Flyin Star may be at Balmoral Park for Super Night this year!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
People who are proud of their Standardbred, and a Standardbred who loves
Balmoral Park is seeking an ASAP horse for the Billy Barn area, to greet
the public during Balmoral's most exciting night of racing! Taser Gun was asked to host the stall in the Billy Barn area, but his
stall manners are a little less than "polite and social". He may be
present in a different area of the track........but that means we would
need someone else for the Billy Barn! Please email me with any offers or consideration at Sue
People who are proud of their Standardbred, and a Standardbred who loves
Balmoral Park is seeking an ASAP horse for the Billy Barn area, to greet
the public during Balmoral's most exciting night of racing! Taser Gun was asked to host the stall in the Billy Barn area, but his
stall manners are a little less than "polite and social". He may be
present in a different area of the track........but that means we would
need someone else for the Billy Barn! Please email me with any offers or consideration at Sue
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Birthday Sheba!
It was 24 years ago that my sweet filly, Kisheba's New Moon, was born near
La Crosse at Shorty Kish's boarding farm.
I had bred my mare, Mia, to a Leopard Appaloosa after unsuccessfully
trying to have the blanketed App stud of my dreams woo her. She was turned out in a large pasture with a large Leopard stud who, the
owner claimed, would "take Mia at a full gallop, if necessary and get the
job done!". When Sheba was born she was a zebra look-alike, and Shorty Kish, then 81
years old, called all neighbors and friends to come and view the spectacle
that was born on his farm. He sat in a chair out by his little barn and
spent hours watching Sheba. Thus began my life-long friendship with a
little filly who grew into a HUGE white mare over time. Spots or not,
Sheba has been a faithful friend and riding companion, a great therapeutic
riding horse for Horse Sense and Impact Ranch, and she is content, having
spent her entire life with one owner. For that, we are both eternally
grateful! Happy Birthday, Sheba!
La Crosse at Shorty Kish's boarding farm.
I had bred my mare, Mia, to a Leopard Appaloosa after unsuccessfully
trying to have the blanketed App stud of my dreams woo her. She was turned out in a large pasture with a large Leopard stud who, the
owner claimed, would "take Mia at a full gallop, if necessary and get the
job done!". When Sheba was born she was a zebra look-alike, and Shorty Kish, then 81
years old, called all neighbors and friends to come and view the spectacle
that was born on his farm. He sat in a chair out by his little barn and
spent hours watching Sheba. Thus began my life-long friendship with a
little filly who grew into a HUGE white mare over time. Spots or not,
Sheba has been a faithful friend and riding companion, a great therapeutic
riding horse for Horse Sense and Impact Ranch, and she is content, having
spent her entire life with one owner. For that, we are both eternally
grateful! Happy Birthday, Sheba!
Happy Birthday Sheba!
It was 24 years ago that my sweet filly, Kisheba's New Moon, was born near
La Crosse at Shorty Kish's boarding farm.
I had bred my mare, Mia, to a Leopard Appaloosa after unsuccessfully
trying to have the blanketed App stud of my dreams woo her.
owner claimed, would "take Mia at a full gallop, if necessary and get the
job done!". When Sheba was born she was a zebra look-alike, and Shorty Kish, then 81
years old, called all neighbors and friends to come and view the spectacle
that was born on his farm. He sat in a chair out by his little barn and
spent hours watching Sheba. Thus began my life-long friendship with a
little filly who grew into a HUGE white mare over time. Spots or not,
Sheba has been a faithful friend and riding companion, a great therapeutic
riding horse for Horse Sense and Impact Ranch, and she is content, having
spent her entire life with one owner. For that, we are both eternally
grateful! Happy Birthday, Sheba!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Labor Day
Some pictures of Cam's Matte Finish and Mini Happi Times taking a tour or
Gratiot for Labor Day activities with Ray and Alice. Were you doing
something "horsey" today? If so, send us your digital photos and we'll
post them! Upcoming Events: Sandwich County Fair / Harness Races - next weekend
Live interview with Chicago radio host next Friday, talking about harness
racing and life after retirement. We are excited to be asked to give an
interview! Vernon County Fair - September 15-19
Super Night - looking for 1-2 additional volunteers for table at Balmoral
Park for this exciting event Saturday, September 18!!! Rockin for Rescue at Romance - Saturday October 16
2 pm - 6 pm - Karaoke with Kelly Wilde
8 pm - midnight - Joe Cody Band
Food, refreshments, beer, door prizes, silent auction.
A chance for you to showcase your horses - bring your pictures or bring
your horse (camping an additional $10 per night - hookups available)
2010 coggins required - original and copy, please
$10 per ticket or $25 per family - night also to beneft Tabby Town Cat
Rescue of Westby!
Tickets now available. Even if you are unable to attend, buy a ticket and
you need not be present to win one of many door prizes!
Gratiot for Labor Day activities with Ray and Alice. Were you doing
something "horsey" today? If so, send us your digital photos and we'll
post them! Upcoming Events: Sandwich County Fair / Harness Races - next weekend
Live interview with Chicago radio host next Friday, talking about harness
racing and life after retirement. We are excited to be asked to give an
interview! Vernon County Fair - September 15-19
Super Night - looking for 1-2 additional volunteers for table at Balmoral
Park for this exciting event Saturday, September 18!!! Rockin for Rescue at Romance - Saturday October 16
2 pm - 6 pm - Karaoke with Kelly Wilde
8 pm - midnight - Joe Cody Band
Food, refreshments, beer, door prizes, silent auction.
A chance for you to showcase your horses - bring your pictures or bring
your horse (camping an additional $10 per night - hookups available)
2010 coggins required - original and copy, please
$10 per ticket or $25 per family - night also to beneft Tabby Town Cat
Rescue of Westby!
Tickets now available. Even if you are unable to attend, buy a ticket and
you need not be present to win one of many door prizes!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sunny Forecast Pleasure Driving!
I love to share pictures that people send ASAP about their adopted horses.
Sunny Forecast was placed with ASAP after a very brief racing career, then
years of being a brood mare before being placed at age 16.
Ray and Alice of Gratiot retrained Sunny for riding, and enjoy pleasure
driving Sunny as well.
Sunny Forecast was placed with ASAP after a very brief racing career, then
years of being a brood mare before being placed at age 16.
Ray and Alice of Gratiot retrained Sunny for riding, and enjoy pleasure
driving Sunny as well.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Upcoming Event and Current Events
It has been a busy day of making much-needed phone calls to various places
in the nation addressing the needs of adopted horses. I must say there are some unusual circumstances that are involved with
caring for each and every equine that comes into ASAP's care.....and we
try to resolve situations with the best interest of the horse at heart. ASAP cannot please everyone all of the time, but we are confident that the
horses are priority. Today I have heard of horses attempting to be sold
to innocent parties (those innocent parties contacted ASAP, thankfully),
horses who are trying to be leased by 3rd parties for a significant amount
of money, and also have heard sad stories of adopters who have lost their
jobs but are still doing their best to provide for their families and
horses. In the end, it seems that our farm or foster farms become places
for horses to go when things just cannot be solved in any other way. I
thank God for foster families like Ninette, Marie, Michelle, Kim, Cyd,
Ashlei, Carmen, Carlene, Ken, and so many others in a five state area. If
you would like to sponsor one or more of the horses that these foster
farms are supporting, please email me at for a list of
names and addresses. Horses in care include Comet, Fox Valley Terror,
Sugar, Z Tempest, Breta Bardoux, Yagottalovethiskid, Oops, Ideal Place To
Be, LouAnnie, Izabeau, Look Della, Anxious Larry, Jackson, May, Mayson,
Bob Cook, Arne, Stylish Sharon, Strawberry, and the list goes on...... We are presently printing tickets for our upcoming shindig on Saturday,
October 16! Even if you cannot attend, consider purchasing a ticket and
you may win a door prize. Tickets are $10 each and we would be happy to
mail one to you. Family ticket is available for $25. This includes
karaoke, band, food, beverages, and door prizes!!! Send your $$ in now to
help with expenses related to the fund raiser - we must pay the band $500
and ticket printing is costing $50.00. So, we need to meet those expenses
at least, and need your support! Special thanks to Teresa H. for her recent donation of $500. She is
challenging anyone who can to match this donation, which is equal to a
month of board at her facility where her horse is stabled. We will report
who steps up to meet the challenge weekly. Thank you also to Lou Anna W. for her donation of $75. With these monies
we will be able to have horses trimmed and do fall vet checks on horses
who need dental attention. We appreciate you so much!!!! Look for more updates as I have time to write! To order your tickets for the fund raiser, call my cell at 608-792-5126 or
email me at
Remember, you can use Paypal to purchase a ticket or sponsor a ticket for
someone else at Sue
in the nation addressing the needs of adopted horses. I must say there are some unusual circumstances that are involved with
caring for each and every equine that comes into ASAP's care.....and we
try to resolve situations with the best interest of the horse at heart. ASAP cannot please everyone all of the time, but we are confident that the
horses are priority. Today I have heard of horses attempting to be sold
to innocent parties (those innocent parties contacted ASAP, thankfully),
horses who are trying to be leased by 3rd parties for a significant amount
of money, and also have heard sad stories of adopters who have lost their
jobs but are still doing their best to provide for their families and
horses. In the end, it seems that our farm or foster farms become places
for horses to go when things just cannot be solved in any other way. I
thank God for foster families like Ninette, Marie, Michelle, Kim, Cyd,
Ashlei, Carmen, Carlene, Ken, and so many others in a five state area. If
you would like to sponsor one or more of the horses that these foster
farms are supporting, please email me at for a list of
names and addresses. Horses in care include Comet, Fox Valley Terror,
Sugar, Z Tempest, Breta Bardoux, Yagottalovethiskid, Oops, Ideal Place To
Be, LouAnnie, Izabeau, Look Della, Anxious Larry, Jackson, May, Mayson,
Bob Cook, Arne, Stylish Sharon, Strawberry, and the list goes on...... We are presently printing tickets for our upcoming shindig on Saturday,
October 16! Even if you cannot attend, consider purchasing a ticket and
you may win a door prize. Tickets are $10 each and we would be happy to
mail one to you. Family ticket is available for $25. This includes
karaoke, band, food, beverages, and door prizes!!! Send your $$ in now to
help with expenses related to the fund raiser - we must pay the band $500
and ticket printing is costing $50.00. So, we need to meet those expenses
at least, and need your support! Special thanks to Teresa H. for her recent donation of $500. She is
challenging anyone who can to match this donation, which is equal to a
month of board at her facility where her horse is stabled. We will report
who steps up to meet the challenge weekly. Thank you also to Lou Anna W. for her donation of $75. With these monies
we will be able to have horses trimmed and do fall vet checks on horses
who need dental attention. We appreciate you so much!!!! Look for more updates as I have time to write! To order your tickets for the fund raiser, call my cell at 608-792-5126 or
email me at
Remember, you can use Paypal to purchase a ticket or sponsor a ticket for
someone else at Sue
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