Sorry it has taken so long to write - I haven't known how to report that the silent auction at Balmoral on Super Night did not go well.....despite all of the hard work and donations by so many of you, there was miscommunication with track staff and we only had a table in the dining room and one in the Billy's Barn area. The table we needed so badly was down in the outside area where we usually are for maximum coverage but there were not enough tables. In addition, no staff was assigned to publicizing us during the races so we never got announced and no one knew there was a silent auction going on. This is such a contrast from how ASAP is treated at Hawthorne that it was a bit disappointing. It can be partly my fault but things are already being arranged more clearly for next year's Super Night to avoid this happening again. We only auctioned two baskets and sold t-shirts totaling $280.00. When you factor in gas to get to the track, 350 miles, and motel, it hardly paid off.
I am so sorry to all of you who had high hopes for this event as we did. We can only hope that we will once again be invited to the ISOBA dinner and a raffle with the items you donated will be used there.
We need a go-getter for the upcoming John Lyons clinic. If you feel you have the time and energy to promote this event via press releases, public service announcements, contacting all media, and the ability to sell tickets to see John please contact me. There is potential for income with this position. We would like to double our attendance next July from 175 persons to 350, but we need to get moving soon. Please contact me at asapinc@mwt.net if you think you have what it takes!
Gator Chaser, No More Compromise, and Fox Valley Equinox all went to homes this past week. Two will be placed together and one will remain with Weenonah, who has adopted four horses previously from ASAP. Thanks to Weenonah for helping us also ship Fellowship Divine to the ASAP farm this week! Penguin Beware and Sunny Forecast may also find a new home this weekend. They will be pasture buddies to Mini Happi Times and Pistol Pete N!!!!
Welcome to Niobium and Bell Valley Spy who arrived a few days ago and thanks to the gentleman who shipped them here!! So much goings on.
We need foster care or adoption for Lester, Arne, Cat (a 16 year old Quarter horse mare) this winter, in case any of you are interested. Arne always has a place here due to his racing injury, but it would be nice to see the others find a permanent home, as they have been waiting for so long. Many thanks to Ursula Cejpek and her husband for donating their land this summer for pasture - it was a perfect haven/heaven for Brandy and the rest!
So I will continue to keep you updated as much as I can. There is a horse at the local Amish who needs a home or he will be shipped to kill - he is thin and black and a gelding - I will need to rally donations if we are going to save this horse!