Can you believe it has been this long since I updated the blogs? Remmie is steadily putting on weight - he is the Amish horse pictured in my last blog. He now whinnies each time he sees me and has a bounce in his step that says, "Life is good!". We turn him out each morning by himself in his own big pasture. I am sure he is waiting for taking a trip into town, but it isn't happening! Once the fat covers his bones I will be eager to try him out for riding. His coggins is back and he is coming along better than we expected. Now to find him a good home!!
I think Dondi and I will coordinate the Midwest Horse Fair in 08. Now we need to know who will fill our 8 stalls. If you are interested please make sure to get with me quickly. I believe four stalls are filled already. The theme for next year's horse fair is "Dancing With the Horses". HMMMMMMMM.....the light bulb is on!
We need someone willing to, once again, update our web site, or teach me how to do it. The gal who was doing it has decided to resign for horse-related reasons. Since she was charging ASAP for her services it is money saved, but we are willing to pay someone else to maintain it if totally necessary. So please - this is urgent- think about it and if your heart is in it give me an email at asapinc@mwt.net
The Country Today paper was out to do an article on Taser Gun and ASAP. That should be out next week. And Hoofbeats will do an article on ASAP after the holidays! As far as John Lyons goes, I am thinking of having people collect pledges. Any pledges collected earns one ticket - one pledge sheet per person. What are your thoughts on this as opposed to a straight ticket price? Thanks to Heather F. (adoptive mom of Kokinos and Silent Pursuit) for helping us get the word out about John Lyons coming next July 19.
Gotta run, but hope to hear from you!