Wow - it's already January 3. Between working extra hours and all the company we have had it hardly seems possible. Now my outside Christmas lights are still twinkling and I face the stress of the Christmas tree staring at me, waiting to go back down to the basement until November.
I just am not ready!
Thank you to all who sent cards and pictures. I tend to keep the pictures out throughout the year to admire them. It was fun to share my wall full of greeting cards and photos, most of which were western-themed, or variously-colored horsey faces with proud adopters. Thanks also to all of you who sent a donation - it all helps so very much!
It has been below zero the past few days. I have been worried about our two littel pet chickens that we acquired at the Kickapoo Country Fair in August. I have put together a two-story apartment for them made out of dog houses, with roosts. I keep adding hay and shavings to keep them dry and warm. I bought a heated water dish so they have an endless supply of water. They see me come outside in the morning and start calling to me - the hen is so gentle and sweet that I can pick her up and cuddle with her, while the rooster looks on, skeptically.
I hate worrying about how cold everyone is outside each day. Arne was down by the running creek this morning, standing and contemplating a drink. The longer he stood there the more I worried about whether or not he was stuck....so I opened the window and called out to him. He perked up at first, then put his head down and took a big chunk of snow in his mouth. I believe that he must have decided against the path down to where the water was ebbing and flowing - maybe his leg was too sore. Nonetheless, he turned and boogied back to the herd that was huddled up by the barn taking in the first rays of sunshine to thaw the misty ice on their fur.
Precious is down this morning but lately she has been getting turned out with Taser Gun, who she absolutely adores. When I or Craig take her through the gate she literally runs to the water tank, then kicks up her heels to get to Taser. He thinks she is a bit too thin, but interesting. He enjoys being admired. After all, he knows he is "all that". I tried to put him in the day that we got special visitors Andrea and friends. I wanted to give them the opportunity to see him up close and personal in a stall in the barn. WELLL!!!!!! He was most put out with my decision, and spent the time dashing around, kicking stall walls, and pawing by the gate. I guess he is a horse that is happiest being on full turn out now with his buddies Steelin Apples, Bob Cook, Brandy and Strawberry. What a character.
Fellowship Divine, Cole, Shay N Telle and Mc Lock are still down in the lower turnout waiting for homes. Mc Lock is boss of the herd, and yet a bit timid around humans.....Cole is Mr. Mustang, fancy and quick on his feet, and boyfriend to Shay N Telle. Fellowship is my sweetie pie - always looking for someone to give him attention and love on him. It is neat how a 16+ hand horse can be so gentle.
I am busy working in the afternoons but it gives me time to be with the animals during the day.
I will share some pictures of some of my day campers and pony club girls - Remmie is quickly becoming a favorite with the girls. Hope all of you are having a happy and healthy new year!
Semi annual board meeting: Thursday Jan. 31 2008 7:00 pm - place TBA