The days tick away.......and before I realize it there are only a couple of weeks left until the Illinois Horse Fair in Springfield!
Since the horse fair starts at the tail end of February, you can only guess my anxiety at having to travel the 6+ hours on icy roads. Last year we had a full scale blizzard when we left. I assured Craig that the line was in Dubuque if we could make it that far. Well........I guess I fibbed or misunderstood the forecast, as the dangerous driving conditions, ice, snow, and winds stayed with us all the way to Springfield. So I want to ask any of you who live closer to Springfield if you are able to help us demonstrate at teh horse fair? I guess my words on this page would not encourage you to do so, since you are thinking, "uh uh - I'm not going to risk my neck to get a horse to the fair"......but maybe the roads will be clear and the temps will be a balmy 40 or better? Let's think positive! Dondi usually helps me by demonstrating at this horse fair but she is going to Road To The Horse in Tennessee that weekend, so I need your help.
Also, we are seeking business sponsorships to help us defray the cost of motel and diesel. If you know any companies that may contribute please let me know.
Another snow storm today - and frigid temperatures. I am off to my son's fifth grade ski trip, then have a job interview for a school position at 1:10 (wish me luck!) and then do chores, then off to work from 3-6. WHEW - it's gonna be a long day!
I'll write more later, but please think about participating at the horse fair. Taser Gun will be there, but judging from the way he behaves when I put him in a stall at night, it's going to be a long weekend of rearing, kicking stall walls, and head tossing!!!!! He is one charismatic, smart horse!