Okay where does the time go? I see my last update was March 10. The weather hasn't changed much since then - a snowstorm last night dumped more white on the ground which was, temporarily, turning green or brown (mud is abundant now). We had Easter at my sister's and Saturday Easter at my in-laws. Too much food makes me grumpy the following Mondays....so I am temporarily grumpy. Kids are home today for vacation - lots to clean up after....my chicken still isnt' walking (what should I do I don't want to have him put to sleep?)........so I commented to my foster son that he wasn't going to walk again probably and we should probably just chop his head off. My foster son didnt' know I was teasing and quickly replied, "Really? Can I watch?" I just looked at him and shook my head and smiled. I could never do that to my chicken! Of course, I would not be the first person to have to EUTHENIZE a pet chicken - my sister did this two years ago when she finally realized her broiler was suffering......it must run in the family to be a bit eccentric! I always say that I was raised in California. Out there we all had cats and dogs and other animals for pets, and our pets were considered part of the family. The vet was a common household word, and even the rats that were pets of my best friend next door were treated with utmost respect and kindness. We used to carry them around on our shoulders and their names were Lucy and Charlie Brown and Linus. This neighborhood was where I learned so much about compassion and experienced the love that only pets can give a child or an adult. Coming here as a teenager was a rude awakening into the harsh reality of rodent control on farms, varmint control on farms, and seeing some things that were so abusive by my own grandfather and father that I will spend a lifetime trying to forget them. I guess there is a reason for everything. I remember when I was 11 that I joined my father for a day at a farm auction, which I love going to to this day! When we got to the ridge property I could hardly wait to get out of the car to explore. I went to the fence and almost fainted of shock when I found a black and white pinto pony (could have been a Welsh or ??) standing sadly under the tree. It could not walk - its hooves were curled up like a sleigh runner on all four feet. I don't know how long he had been foundered, but obviously no one had ever attended to him. He was skinny and his mane and tail were covered with burdock. I cried, then ran to my father. I begged him and begged him to come over and look at what I had found, but he refused. My father was not a very compassionate person, and spending money was something he did not like to do. I asked until I dared not ask again for fear of being severely punished. I just went and spent the whole time at the auction with the pony, petting it and feeling really helpless in a world where I was unable to make a difference. The pony was auctioned off, and I don't know what happened to him but I prayed for him. That might have been the same summer that we found a kitten who had wandered on to our summer home. I loved the kitten so much and wanted to keep it, but my dad insisted that we would NOT be a home for it. He stated it would go to Coon Valley to my grandparents' farm. They had many cats there. They also lived right on highway 14/61 and most of their cats met an untimely death on that very road on a regular basis. My dad picked up the kitten and I wanted to accompany him to the farm, even though I was drenched in tears. I thought I would be able to hold the kitten as we transported it the ten or so miles in the Volkswagen beetle. My father stopped me and took the kitten from me. I asked him "why" and he simply went over and opened the front hood of the Volkswagen and put the kitten in there and slammed it on him. I cried and begged him to let me hold it. He said "absolutely not" so I got to listen to the kitten yowl and meow that high-pitched, desperate meow all the way to Grandpa Lee's farm. Dad got out and picked up the kitten by the scruff of the neck (God forbid that he would pick it up and hold it) and put it down on the ground by the barn. We drove away with me still in disbelief that my father could be so heartless. I thought about that kitten the whole night and could scarcely sleep. The next day we drove to grandma and grandpa's house and I ran to the barn to check on the kitten. There he lay, dead...........and no one had even bothered to pick him up and bury him or show him any compassion by protecting him in the first place. I just remember his fur blowing in the wind on that summer day as his lifeless body began to decay. I don't think I ever fully forgave my dad, even though I know I need to forgive. He told me that Anton, an old man that visited my grandparents, had run it over. The kitten probably didn't know where to go or what to do. And I couldn't help.
So wow - where did all this come from? A breezy, sunny, chilly day here in March has left me kind of "down" today. I talked to my brother in law earlier and he is feeling the same way. Part of the reason may be that we heard the news that my favorite uncle in California passed away three days ago. My other uncle in Seattle passed away, 20 minutes after his step-daughter dropped him off at a nursing home. And my aunt, his wife, died on New Year's day. She was my mom's sister. So all of my childhood memories have come back to me as I remember some of the best days of my life spent with these three people, and the sadness in knowing they are gone.
My mother is taking it a bit hard. It must be so difficult to experience losing people you have known for more than 80 years, and realizing there is no way around the same fate eventually.
I am so thankful that my mother knows her Savior, and that my uncle did as well. He got to spend Easter in heaven this year!!!! Faith sustains us, and gives us hope. We told our mother that she still has us! We need to live for today because none of us know if we have tomorrow.
I want to thank Renee in Minnesota and Carmen and Debbie in Milwaukee and Marisa and
Michelle in Illinois. They have been such a great help to ASAP in the past few weeks. They help post horses and events, they ship horses from the tracks and from their own homes to a horse's new home. Michelle has been such a huge advocate for the horses in the Springfield area and we are blessed to have here. Ken, we love you for what you have done for May and Mayson, and all of you out there who are fostering are making such a difference and need a hug! Marie, what would we do with out you, and Bonnie too????
There is need for foster care for an aged STB mare and draft mare in Iowa right now. Bretta has been placed in temporary foster care and will eventually go to Minnesota. The horses in Black River Falls are slowly finding homes.
We have a need for hay - anyone who has any for sale or donation encouraged to contact me!
Don't forget Iowa Horse Fair April 11-13 and Midwest Horse Fair April 18-20. We are going to have a blast!!!!
Sorry for my rambling - at least you know what's going on over here! I'll write soon.