Hi everyone,
We want to share all the exciting things that are happening at ASAP, thanks to our local 4-H chapters and UW-La Crosse.
On Saturday April 5 the De Soto Strivers 4-H club will hold a coggins clinic at our farm. Dr. Jacobs of Viroqua Veterinary Center will discount the cost of his coggins tests for that day, and 4-H'ers will get to observe and learn about why EIA tests are so important. If you are not yet a member of 4-H but want to come, please call us at 608-689-2399 to reserve a spot to attend.
On Sunday, April 6, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Equestrian Team will hold a clinic here. They will use ASAP horses during their clinic, as well as the other horses that I personally own if appropriate. I am going out of town from Saturday to Saturday this week, but there will be someone living here at the property and taking care of the horses and animals and anything else that comes up. My two kids and my husband and I are going on a long-deserved, non-horse-related getaway ( I think I can do it??? - anxiety, worry, fingernail biting, lip chewing)...say a prayer for me!
WE ARE IN BARN 11 at MIDWEST HORSE FAIR! Don't forget to come and see us!!!
And we will be at Iowa Horse Fair and demonstrating both Saturday and Sunday!!!!
Look for details for Minnesota Horse Expo as well!!!
Until after the 6th,