Wanted to share we are back from horse fair and are pooped! I will send pictures soon.....in the meantime I will let you know that Precious KC continues to improve steadily and her eye is now completely open. The oozing has stopped out of the injury sites and she is eating her Uniprim in her feed and taking her bute well. She is one tough horse. Stylish Sharon, the aged mare dropped here last week, appears listless and depressed. I put her out in a pasture by herself yesterday and she only occasionally ate grass. She whinnies for Precious (they have stalls near each other in the barn) when I separate them. She IS eating....but definitely does not have a voracious appetite. The vet recommended iodine bath after return from horse fair, so I did that this morning. She really acted as if it stung when I applied it. I felt badly for her - she even made a face and wanted to rub her head on something at one point! I do see baby hairs growing out of some areas on her bare skin so am hopeful between the powder and the bath we have made progress. Thanks to those of you who have sent money to help these horses. We could not do it without you!
I have very sad news. Ashlea Newburn, the girl who donated money to sponsor Precious KC, died Saturday night at 11 pm. I found out because I went to http://www.caringbridge.com/ and I typed in her name (you can go to it too, but don't leave a space between her first and last name in order to log in)................there were announcements for her visitation and funeral and I immediately began sobbing. For those of you who do not know, Ashlea had an inoperable brain tumor. It had gone into remission but returned and despite her courageous fight to hang on, she lost the battle. Please remember her family in your prayers. Ashlea's mom had shared with me last night that Ashlea had Precious' picture in a frame by her bed. It means much to know Precious was so loved by such a special girl who loved so much.
I also lost my kitty, Velcro, on Thurday prior to leaving for Madison for the horse fair. Velcro was 15 1/2 years old. She was mother to Raffi, my cat who is disabled. WE also called her "Little Little" because she was oh so small her whole life. Velcro tried to tell me something was very wrong on Wednesday, and I put her out in the sunshine to feel the warmth of the day and she wandered and almost got stomped on by Cricket as she zig-zagged down in the pasture towards the creek. I ran to get her and scooped her up before Cricket could do anything and brought her back up and put her in a kennel cab to keep her safe. She wouldn't eat. The next morning I called the vet and was ready to go and get more medication. Velcro was giving me that deep, throaty MEOW that comes when something is very wrong. I tucked her into bed but when I came out to prepare to leave I realized she was gone. I went to the indoor arena to cry and remember the long and many years we shared together. I had no one to share my sorrow with until I met up with relatives and friends later on, but I don't think anyone can really understand what she meant to me and all of the things we have been through together. I am happy she is in a better place and out of pain!
Thanks to Sandee Wellman, my wonderful mother in law, and Lisa De Garmo, my neighbor and friend, for all of their help and support at horse fair. Because of them (and Rachel and Zachary and Nick) it was the best the horses had ever looked for demo!!!! Pictures later.