While I was at home with my family and getting ready for our annual board meeting today, one very special woman was off on another call for help. An aged Appaloosa gelding (POA-type) and a 23 year old aged mare in foal named Jumbo Shrimp were in trouble. The owner, thankfully, asked for help. Trudy M. of Baraboo was on board to go and pick both of them up today. The mare is in better condition than we anticipated, while the gelding has back bone and hip bones protruding. Another special person who is going through the process of becoming a foster farm is waiting to receive Jumbo Shrimp into care. The gelding will go to Marie Kemp, another warrior of her own, but also for ASAP. She has stepped up and gone above and beyond what any average person would ever do. She faithfully cares for the horses at her farm, and works hard to support them when no one else can. What would ASAP do without people like this? We want to honor you women!!! Hopefully pictures will be available soon for you to see. In the meantime, discussion during the board meeting centered around what to do with so many horses at the ASAP farm who are classified at sanctuary horses, who will sponsor or support them, and how can we better communicate to you, the public, which horses really do need financial sponsorship?
Also fund raising, grant writing, all so essential for this organization to stay alive. We need you all more than ever in 2009. I'll share more later.
Until then, thank you Trudy and Marie!