I want to thank Wendy Dunn for her gracious donation of a gorgeous, high quality breast collar, show bridle, and a variety of other bridles and tack that was received this week. Lori Hahn, thanks so much for the much-needed wormer! Ray and Alice, thank you very much for the $200 donation. We are chunking away at paying hay bills from last winter so we can afford to buy more.
Thank you to Ursula C., who has once again donated her many acres of pasture to our long-term sanctuary horses. Strawberry, Steelin Apples, Bob Cook, Arne, Stylish Sharon, and Little Jeffrey John are all enjoying the lush green grass. We have been checking on them and they seem perfectly content. Arne and Strawberry always come when I call, and hope for that sweet feed, but we have backed off on that with the protein content of the pasture being so rich!
Thanks to Lynette Laska for all of her hard work last weekend at the rummage sale.
She devoted her whole day sitting at the end of the driveway and donated tack to sell and gave ASAP the profits. What a great friend to have! She adopted Ella from ASAP years ago and is still very happy with her.
Last Saturday we had six riders at the farm - I'll show some pictures. I still need to teach some of the riders how to put away tack, saddles, and other equipment properly after a ride!! Brandy made a ride of about 1.5 miles with no problems - a long way from when she came to us with the sidebone issues. We think she might be 26 this year and still going strong.
Bad Boy Adam made his trek across two states to his new home in Nemo, South Dakota!
They have been pleasure driving him and he seems to really enjoy this. They are impressed with his manners around traffic. They are presently getting used to his gaits under saddle!
Misty and Cryptic Star will travel together, with Misty being adopted by Sara of Kentucky (who already has adopted Picante Star years ago), and Cryptic Star going on to West Virginia (where she will never see another winter, and I am jealous).
Wawatassi is, I believe, the Phoenix who was advertised on the internet. He is going to a woman who has already adopted before. Mc Lock is going to his new home with the young lady who previously adopted Lucky, and her boyfriend. So lots of changes, but good ones!
Timesareachanging and Taser Gun are now sharing the same pasture! Brandy, Taser, Times, and Remmie got turned out in their own lush pasture and are getting along pretty well (I'll enclose pictures). Taser is still in love with Brandy and won't let Times near her. Times isn't a bit afraid of Taser and lets him know it. Times and Remmie go down to the creek along with the llama where the tall grass is, but Taser becomes a blooming nervous wreck if he goes down there and would rather eat dry hay than go down the path leading to the pasture. I guess Taser is still trying to figure things out as far as being a country horse. It's gonna take some time.
We rode Duck Egg last Monday and I was able to run and run and run until I got my cantering fix completely satiated. We plan to go to Yellow River tomorrow if Grandma can take it. Graduation parties today. Life is good.
We are still working on resolution to the Sadie drama. Keep posted.