I want to send out my condolences also to the family of Mike Hoch of Minnesota. Mike came into my life in 2004 when he was searching for good, solid family horses. He had been battling cancer at that time, but he rebounded and was doing well. He adopted several horses from us over the years, his last being Never Smoother. In January he felt the urgency to find Never Smoother a new home. A home was found with a 17 year old young lady who could not be happier! Meanwhile, Mike was not feeling the best and, in January, mentioned to me that his cancer was back. By February or earlier he also had a hospice worker at his house. Now Mike was a young man. I felt like cheering him on and inspiring him throughout his cancer - wanted him to believe in the miracle of healing for his life. He kept in touch by email, joking around in his usual way. Then, I wasn't hearing from him. Heather, who adopted Never Smoother, was excited to update Mike on their relationship which was going so well. But Mike didn't respond to our email. Today I received an email from his nephew, sharing the news that Mike had passed on April 13. I am so very sorry. As usual, I HATE the cancer that takes so many, young and not so young, and leaves families behind to grieve. Mike's nephew believes that Mike is riding on heaven's grounds now. I want to believe that too! We have hope in eternity.
I'll try to send some updated photos of Miss Molly P, Chevie Silverado, and you'll see Timesareachanging and Taser Gun in a pose that shocked even me. Taser, who came to us in 2007, could literally NOT be in a herd with geldings in it. He had been, up until Times came to the farm, only with a mare or two in turnout. Well, Timesareachanging and Taser have become the bet of friends - you'll see them in a relaxed state, rubbing each other's necks, head to butt. They are so funny to watch together! Taser is learning to relax more, and Times seems to be teaching him how.
Meanwhile, my kids are keeping us busy with baseball and softball (ugh). Cherie, my oldest, comes home more often to just "hang out" - Jordan is currently in Ocala, Florida. Tonite he has been invited to a special event by his wrestling school where he is planning on meeting Vince and Stephanie Mc Mahon face to face! My son?
A professional wrestler? I didn't raise him that way!!! But, we are letting him chase his dreams, and all of us are entitled to chase them, aren't we? Jordan's girlfriend Sophie is coming from Germany to Chicago in early July. He will meet her there and spend a few weeks with her. They plan to travel together for three months next summer, unless he graduates from school, is hired by WWE, and goes on the road as "JDV STONE"?????? I am rubbing my head right now!
So here's some pictures to enjoy. Miss Molly P is coming along nicely and is learning to trust more and more. Chevie is still waiting for that forever home.