It has been a horrific two weeks in Wisconsin. First the big winds came on the weekend of our anniversary the end of September. It shuttled in the colder temperatures, and we haven't been able to shake the cold, rain, and, today, SNOW since! Arizona here I wanna come!!!!! Still, we have to brave all the conditions to care for the animals here at ASAP.
Rachel braved the cold to go to the Retreat World's Fair in our area last weekend and competed in a horse show. She brought home another trophy for the walk/trot class and had a second and third place in other classes. That's my girl! She decided to have a sleepover that night, and you can see pictures of her two friends and her having a facial-too funny!
Since we have a hay shortage, and a money shortage, we made a decision to board a few horses to keep some form of income coming to the farm. I also contacted the USTA, and Hoofbeats is doing a feature article on Taser Gun and Timesarechanging in their next issue! I got some great pictures of Amy A. riding Taser this past weekend, and forwarded the only picture I have of me sitting on Times. Hoofbeats is interviewing Amy (friend and volunteer for ASAP) and Tracy B (trainer who donated Times)so be sure to get your issue of Hoofbeats next month!
Another golden egg happened this week. WKBT Channel 8 in La Crosse has agreed to come out and do a story on ASAP!!! This is very exciting and will, hopefully, bring more local support from our community. After all, if the humane society in La Crosse is getting a story about rabbits that were surrendered there last week and needing supplies for them, how much more is our need for 1000# animals that need to eat? WKBT is very motivated to do this story, and we are grateful for that!
The weekend brought one young man who was doing a community service project for extra credit at his school, and one young lady who is a real fan of ASAP and is planning on adopting a horse by next month. Then Amy came to ride Taser Gun despite that awful, chilly wind. At least the sun shone through the clouds a few times that day.
We are in the process of selling our six horse trailer and downsizing in size and price of a trailer that will work for ASAP and our family. The shopping is kind of fun, we must admit!
Please please please don't forget to vote on theanimalrescuesite.com
click on the tab that says Animal Shelter, then type in American Standardbred Adoption and WI and vote every day! Each vote really can make a difference!
Enjoy the pictures.