I will try to keep my patience, my savvy, my professionalism, my cool...........
People ask ASAP why we retain lifetime ownership of horses - I guess with the pictures we are going to show you, you will see why.
How many horses are released to adopters and never followed up on? How many horses are "released" to adopters after 2-3 years and then forgotten? The horses you are about to see were in adoptive care seven years (Flaunting It) and about the same for Spect's Solution. Spect had a horrible beginning after racing with one bad adoptive experience. ASAP came to his assistance and a fantastic adopter was found for him. She had him for many years until a riding injury in 2008, when she decided it would be best to find Spect's Solution another home. Thinking Spect may be happier as a driving horse, he was rehomed. This year we received a call from the adopter, telling us Spect had received a horrific injury to his front leg. The vet was called and immediate vet care was given. Thinking all was okay, ASAP went about its business, until this fall. The adopter decided to return Flaunting It, Spect's Solution, and another mare he had adopted in 2008. They arrived tonite - and I cannot tell you how angry, disappointed, and exasperated we are. It does not happen often - in fact, Bart's A Bad Boy and Race For Home returned back to ASAP two weeks ago in the best shape of their lives. You can tell they had impeccable care.
The horses you will see now are in need of TLC - food, deworming. and vet attention for Spect's leg. We are just grateful that they will have a chance to thrive once again, and that ASAP can be there for them when they have NOT had the best of care.
Each and every rescue and adoption program is faced with tough decisions about placement of each horse. ASAP does its best to make sure each horse is well cared for. Horses are tracked, and believe me, there was a LOT of communication with this adopter before he dropped them off at the farm. This adopter was not necessarily happy with ASAP, but we will not accept the condition these horses were in and insisted they be cared for. Your thoughts and prayers are coveted as we continue our mission of lifetime care for the horses!