Horse Fair pictures will be posted, hopefully! Still no pc back from the computer doctor so I am working off my laptop and have not figured out how, for the life of me, I can attach pics from my camera to here. I am working on it!!! Otherwise go to and look for Standardbred Breed Demo to see us in action at Midwest Horse Fair!
Anyway, did you know that for $6,000 a year our indoor riding arena will support two horses in stalls, store months' worth of hay, and provide riding instruction and equine assisted therapy to the countless youth that find their way to our farm on a weekly basis? Not to mention the two day camps per summer for children with autism and other special needs and individualized instruction for our clientele ages 6-18 who come to ASAP on a regular basis for riding instruction and horse-related activities. That is $500 a month............I have asked the Illinois racing industry for assistance in providing for this facility to continue our work (right here on our farm).......keep your fingers crossed!
The pictures are of 1) Timesareachanging and 2) our crazy chicken who cannot walk but insists he is daddy to every baby bunny born in our kennel. He clucks to them, tucks them under his wings, and goes crazy when they burrow in where he cannot get to them. I plan to write a book about it! LOL