Since the last blog I wrote, I was caught in a tremendous thunderstorm with eight year old daughter, Rachel. We were unable to get home, as mud slides and houses falling into the local highway forced roads to close. We were alright, but have since suffered two more storms producing mass amounts of rain which have washed away our fences, some pastures, and done great damage to our home. It forced the delay of our much-needed vacation. Thankfully we are all alright and the horses and animals are all safe despite a flood which roared up over our creek banks and came into the lower arena. Craig tied himself to the four-wheeler in the middle of the night to evacuate and bring to higher ground the horses in that area. All are fine thanks to him! We are in the midst of putting fences back up and if you would like to help please let us know as we would welcome any type of support. I will send pictures very soon. Our hearts are with Heather, as she lost her beloved Zerkel Toden this past week. Will send pictures soon.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Black Hills, Taser Gun and More

We will be on vacation in South Dakota until next Sunday. We will bring back many pictures of Fox Valley Equinox and R Colelateral and more riding Centennial Trail! We thought bringing ASAP horses out there would show the world how capable these wonderful horses are learning new disciplines in their life. They will cross creeks and be going up steep trails at a good clip!
Taser Gun is doing well at the ASAP farm. He is now in love with Cricket, our little offspring of the late Asha, a polo horse who lived out her life at the ASAP farm until 2006. They nuzzle each other and eat together. Taser is enjoying his retirement. He even puts up with my hanging on him and hugging him each time I go outside. Secretly, I think he likes it!
We are also traversing the west with Big Tom's Kid, who is being adopted by a veterinarian near Rock Springs Wyoming but closer to the Utah line.
We will have to stay the night at Cheyenne with the kids, so here comes another adventure!
If there is an emergency give our cells a call but we don't have service all the time in the Black Hills. #'s are 608-632-0467 or 608-792-5126.
Our condolences go out to Fran M. of Minnesota who lost Sherman yesterday. Colic took his life despite good efforts by veterinarian and adopter. Sherman was an Appendix QH who was loved by all and will be dearly missed.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
HoofBeats Interview and Many Thanks

Life is so full of opportunities to share our passion for Standardbreds, and we are thankful to Hoofbeats, as we will be one of many featured in the November issue of their magazine. The article will showcase women in the racing industry, and I am proud to be a part of that. watching! If you would like a copy of the magazine, or to subscribe, to go for more information.
Monday night found Brandon, Zachary, and I once again on the road, this time with Rollin Jesse and Idlewhile Niatros headed to their new home with Sherry S. of Portage, WI. The night was not without a few scary moments as we braved the intense storms on the way home. There were trees down in the road, and driving rain that forced us to stop at least once. The lightning cracked against the sky and the thunder was deafening. Jesse and Idlewhile escaped the storm, and now have a six acre pasture full of grass to enjoy, as well as Sherry and her three childrens' company! Many thanks to Monty and Korene for their assistance in finding long term foster care and possibly adoption for these two mares, who are being pampered!
This week we were also blessed with a woman from Iowa, who took home Bad Boy Adam, little Skittles, and Lilly Long. She is going to foster Adam and possibly adopt him, once she tries him out on trails. Lilly is being adored by her young daughters, who sit on her bareback as she eats. Skittles still needs training but will have every opportunity for what he needs from Danette. Thanks, Danette!
So our numbers are coming down a bit, but we are also realizing that we have many waiting for pick up.
Condolences are in order to the Wilhelm family. They extended themselves above and beyond with their care of Big Conquest. Big Conquest was a young Standardbred who contracted EPM and simply could not make the long trip to the ASAP farm without danger of falling. He went down on August 15, and all attempts to help him were futile. He was humanely euthenized but the family will never forget his memory, or the whole ordeal. Many thanks to Dr. Anna Ruman for her assistance. It would be nice if we could receive some memorials for Conquest, as I am sure the family will have bills to pay for all the work they have done with him. ASAP needs your help in order to help them.
Thanks also to Ray and Alice Hubert, who came to the ASAP farm to help me fit together a harness to fit the cart that they donated. The cart is a huge blessing to ASAP's youth programs!!
Thanks also to Dr. Staudacher for her recent contribution to ASAP.
We now have ugly t-shirts. They are ugly because the graphics did not turn out as they should have. Anyone who wants to adopt an ugly ASAP t-shirt can send a donation and we'll sell you one and mail it. They come in larger sizes this time (that is the GOOD news), but still black or white and up to 2XL. They will be given away to anyone who adopts a horse.
I have a new logo and new t-shirts in the works as we speak and should be ready by October.
URGENT: Registered breeding stock Paint mare to adopt - fee is waived to qualified adopter. She is a stunning red with white blaze, totally sound and has had professional training under saddle. She is currently stabled near Fort Dodge Iowa. If you know anyone who wants a nice breeding or show prospect, it is imperative that we find her a good home quickly! Contact Susan at for more details.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Horse Illustrated and More

This is the third time I have tried to post a blog - by the time I find the pictures to put in with my blog the site shuts down so let's hope that this time things go well and you receive a great update.
Pick up the September issue of Horse Illustrated. You will see ASAP horses in a picture as well as an interview the magazine did with me in addition to other programs that place horses. We were proud to be a part of this article!
There has been much activity at ASAP this weekend. Taser seems to be continuing the healing process with his leg. Tomorrow we go to have xrays taken to be sure our course of treatment is optimal. He is one of the most intelligent creatures I have ever had the opportunity to be around. I love him with my life!
On Friday night our miniature toy fox terrier pup was following me as I fed horses in the lower arena. A mare trotted up and Peanut ended up on the wrong end of the hoof. I did not even noticed that he was kicked in the head and lie completely lifeless by the water tank. My friends called out to me and I became hysterical as I saw him lying there, thinking he had died instantly. My friends picked him up and handed him to me and I began crying out to God for help, heading for the house to get Craig. I could feel his lifeless body's heart still beating, and I prayed he would not die in my hands. We jumped into the truck and I left behind two very grief-stricken children as we raced to La Crosse. I continue to cry and pray, and by the time we reached Genoa Peanut's eyes began to open. By the time we reached Stoddard he tried to pick up his head. By the time we reached La Crosse he was trying to sit up. We got to the vet's office and the eye that was bulging out of the right side of his head was no longer bulging. The vet gave him a clean bill of health - no internal bleeding, no broken bones........... true miracle had taken place! So we are very thankful to God for being there once again......and so thankful for His neverending mercies at the farm!
If all goes well we will be adopting out four horses today. I will be sure to let you know!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Taser, Iowa City, and Current Situation

Hello again!
This blog is going to be a handy way of me keeping in touch with all of you. Two days ago we had the privilege of hauling two horses to their new homes in Iowa City for a dear adopter. A few years ago she adopted Friendly Explosion from ASAP. It was time for her to return home to Iowa, so naturally her Quarter horse gelding and Standardbred companion went with. Brandon, my foster son, Zachary (now 10) and little Peanut made the trip with us that entailed over 425 miles round trip. You can see by the pictures that Brandon wasn't totally sure I knew where I was going at all times (okay I wasn't)...but Zach and Peanut were enjoying the adventure.
The bad news is that Taser Gun, our latest celebrity, was kicked by Big Tom's Kid (who didn't have her shoes removed when she came from the track) a few days ago. He is non weight-bearing on a rear leg and will require stall rest for some time to recover. The whole incident happened before we could even turn around and has never happened before to any horse that has come in to ASAP. We are taking very very good care of him and he is enjoying meeting the new critters here, including our dog Ju-Bee-Ju (that is his nick name). We are still needing homes for horses - foster homes - adoptive homes - come one, come all!!! I know I make light of it but this is a very serious situation. I am thinking of you all,
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Kickapoo Country Fair Pictures and Another Desperate Plea

Wanted to share a picture of Janimal and Cash Wilco at the Kickapoo Country Fair. I didn't get a picture of Victory Buck, but he was also there "shmoozing" the crowds two weekends ago! Don't look at the picture of me (hot day, wilting hair, icky jeans...) but rather look at sweet Rachel on Janimal and my foster son Brandon, riding Cash Wilco, aka Randy, bareback for the public to see!

I got a new digital camera today so be looking for pictures. This blog is the best thing to happen to ASAP - thank you to Bryan and Kim once again!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Night of Champions and Taser Gun

The racing champion, Taser Gun, is here at ASAP! Along with Taser Gun, we brought home four other horses in need of homes. Two mares are available at a waived fee if you have passed the application process. They are Idlewhile Niatros and Rollin Jesse. Fox Valley Equinox (see pictures on ASAP web page), Big Tom's Kid, and many others are looking for you. Please come and see us! More news to follow and pictures of Taser Gun and details about Night of Champions.
Friday, August 3, 2007
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