We will be on vacation in South Dakota until next Sunday. We will bring back many pictures of Fox Valley Equinox and R Colelateral and more riding Centennial Trail! We thought bringing ASAP horses out there would show the world how capable these wonderful horses are learning new disciplines in their life. They will cross creeks and be going up steep trails at a good clip!
Taser Gun is doing well at the ASAP farm. He is now in love with Cricket, our little offspring of the late Asha, a polo horse who lived out her life at the ASAP farm until 2006. They nuzzle each other and eat together. Taser is enjoying his retirement. He even puts up with my hanging on him and hugging him each time I go outside. Secretly, I think he likes it!
We are also traversing the west with Big Tom's Kid, who is being adopted by a veterinarian near Rock Springs Wyoming but closer to the Utah line.
We will have to stay the night at Cheyenne with the kids, so here comes another adventure!
If there is an emergency give our cells a call but we don't have service all the time in the Black Hills. #'s are 608-632-0467 or 608-792-5126.
Our condolences go out to Fran M. of Minnesota who lost Sherman yesterday. Colic took his life despite good efforts by veterinarian and adopter. Sherman was an Appendix QH who was loved by all and will be dearly missed.