This is the third time I have tried to post a blog - by the time I find the pictures to put in with my blog the site shuts down so let's hope that this time things go well and you receive a great update.
Pick up the September issue of Horse Illustrated. You will see ASAP horses in a picture as well as an interview the magazine did with me in addition to other programs that place horses. We were proud to be a part of this article!
There has been much activity at ASAP this weekend. Taser seems to be continuing the healing process with his leg. Tomorrow we go to have xrays taken to be sure our course of treatment is optimal. He is one of the most intelligent creatures I have ever had the opportunity to be around. I love him with my life!
On Friday night our miniature toy fox terrier pup was following me as I fed horses in the lower arena. A mare trotted up and Peanut ended up on the wrong end of the hoof. I did not even noticed that he was kicked in the head and lie completely lifeless by the water tank. My friends called out to me and I became hysterical as I saw him lying there, thinking he had died instantly. My friends picked him up and handed him to me and I began crying out to God for help, heading for the house to get Craig. I could feel his lifeless body's heart still beating, and I prayed he would not die in my hands. We jumped into the truck and I left behind two very grief-stricken children as we raced to La Crosse. I continue to cry and pray, and by the time we reached Genoa Peanut's eyes began to open. By the time we reached Stoddard he tried to pick up his head. By the time we reached La Crosse he was trying to sit up. We got to the vet's office and the eye that was bulging out of the right side of his head was no longer bulging. The vet gave him a clean bill of health - no internal bleeding, no broken bones........... true miracle had taken place! So we are very thankful to God for being there once again......and so thankful for His neverending mercies at the farm!
If all goes well we will be adopting out four horses today. I will be sure to let you know!