OK, I don't believe anyone who says they know how to sex rabbits! What started as two "females" has turned into two rabbits who have produced over 25 babies in a six month period of time! I managed to get someone to take the daddy, so I breathed a sigh of relief - only briefly!
The mother rabbit produced more in April, and now another litter appeared today. I am going to SCREAM! I need to find a home for the white baby with dark spots who was dubbed "female" in February or March............since she he is clearly the daddy of the newest batch. Tractor Supply - get ready - I am gonna be calling! Anyone else - please come and get a bunny, but don't ask me to sex them, as I dont' want to be held responsible.
Still, Mr. Rooster could not be more proud. He could hardly wait to get his little chicken self into the doghouse to lay over the newborns to keep them warm. Seems he just weaned the last litter! At least it gives him a purpose in living.
Had a short ride on Timesareachanging Sunday before he proved that he just can't live without Cricket. She was in heat, as were all mares at the farm. So Remmie got the ride to the top of the bluff overlooking the Mississippi. Times will be ridden more this week, as will Taser, and Cricket!
I want to thank Kelly Wilde and his son Luke and uncle/brother Dave for coming out on Saturday. After spending a lot of time looking around, Luke fell in love with the little Appaloosa colt, and Dave became fond of Sandi. Looks like they will both be getting homes with them very very soon. Kelly is a huge public figure head in this area, and we are proud to say that he is stepping forward to put together a benefit for ASAP this year! Be watching for upcoming details!
Thanks to Linda for her recent adoption of Audnowyoudidit and Five Dollah.
Colonel Meacham will be getting a new home with Pam, all within close proximity of each other!
Unmasked will be going to Linda as well.
Wiregrass Jenny and two other geldings will move just down the road a couple of miles to a private farm with Sue and Brian, where they are volunteering to refresh the horses to make them more adoptable.
Special thanks to Judith Benison, who sent a $280 donation in memory of Terry Benison who recently passed away. It was so sad to hear of his battle with cancer, but also very heartwarming to hear Judith's many stories of their love and dedication (that spanned their entire marriage) for the horses and the other animals in their care. Terry and Judith donated several horses to our program, two being Hang Ten Hanover and TJ Ted Mak.
Thank you to the IHHA for their recent donation of $1,500 to support programs for children at ASAP using ASAP horses. This still puts us $4,500 short of our goal for facilities and services for students to last the rest of this year. We do believe it will come - God is always faithful!
I can't forget to mention Jean P. again for her donation to help get us to the Midwest Horse Fair.
Thanks to all the horse fair participants and to Carol Williams and Louanna Warpinski for their outstanding contributions to the demo and stall decorations! Thanks to Mom Wellman and Lisa De Garmo for helping, and thanks to Robin Palmer and Jordin Edge for making 400 cards from ASAP photographs taken of ASAP horses that made possible over $300 in donations!
Thanks to Louie for coming to help at ASAP so faithfully and to Judy and Jessica King for helping out with so many things to do with the recent horse show and just everyday things we need at ASAP.
Thank you to Lynette Laska for her hard work to get tack ready for the Horse Sense Tack Swap held in La Crosse. Lynette was the sole person responsible for helping ASAP raise $175 that weekend. Every penny counts so very much.
Thanks to Andrea T. and Shannon for continued care of Spect's Solution. The list goes on and on but I am feeling grateful in so many ways.
This week promises to bring Anna to our farm in hopes of finding the right horse. The little Appy foal will be gelded within a week, and who knows what else? Every day is a surprise.
Hope all of you are having a great spring! I'll attach some pictures.