What an unbelievable effect sunshine has on a person's soul! I was out in it yesterday, for my daughter's fifth grade field trip to fish on the Mississippi River, then outside at home to play with the horses.
Our day was made perfect by a package that came in the mail - donated by Lori H....(W.)...
20 doses of vaccine!!!!!!!! Worth over $400!!!! Lori, what can I say? A public thank you is not even enough - someday we will repay you for your kindness!!! Thank God for such a great supporter and lover of T-Bone, or her adopted horse whose race name was Taken by Surprise. Lori is also an admirer of Arne and Bob Cook (who wouldn't be?)...and my hope is that someday she will be able to take them home. Thanks again, Lori.
Chevie Silverado is on the road to his new home in Illinois right now as we speak - going to Dr. Anna R. who is also a Illinois Department of Agriculture vet. I hope so much that Chevie and her have many years together. Chevie is a very special horse who deserves a very special person. Thanks to Craig for taking an entire day out of his life to transport.
Hoping for more sunshine today, then off to ride on an overnight camping trip tomorrow! Soooo excited.
Please send some adopters for our emergency horses DT, Goodnight Starship, Race for Home and Bart's A Bad Boy!!!! Race and Bart have a home if we can get vet work done to get them from Wisconsin to Iowa and transport for them as well. DT will come back here......he is so well trained to ride and so beautiful in body and spirit - this horse has my heart TOTALLY. Then again, which Standardbred doesn't?
Also don't forget Sadie and Holly!
More as I know it - enjoy the long-awaited warmth and sun!