Well the Amish horse, the small black bay gelding, has arrived thanks to Terry Levendoski (hauler) and Andrea T. (the wonderful compassionate woman who paid for Remmie). The vet has been out and has listened carefully and has declared his heart and lungs healthy, although he said that this was one of the skinniest horses he has seen in quite a long time. Remmie was a patient boy while the doc stared at his teeth and throat. The vet did mention that whoever adopts Remmie will have to have some teeth work done, as he has at least one sharp point on each side. I have gotten a quote of approximately $125 from Town and Country Vet Hospital for a power float.....not too bad! We have given Remmie his first dose of panacur wormer, and we are giving it to him 1/3 dose at a time along with bute in case he is loaded with parasites, which is the vet's guess. He is soooooo hungry that every time he sees me he just whinnies, begging for food! He is getting all the hay he can eat, and we are slowly adding feed with equishine vitamins. I think he has gained weight already! The Amish did mention that the kids have ridden Remmie for years in addition to driving him. This horse, even though so thin, is no slouch! I can hardly keep up with him going down to the gate and out to pasture each day. We have to keep him separated from the other horses until his coggins comes back. I have to tell you I am already in love!!!
We adopted out Niobium N and Silent Pusuit two weeks ago. Both are quite happy in their new homes and their adopters could not be more pleased. Now new horses are arriving without invitation. It is squeezing us to our limit so we are waiving fees on several horses that are older but still sound...........
Hey! Thinking about quick get-away? We have a cabin (3 bedroom, 2 bath) in the Black Hills of South Dakota that we would love to rent you on a daily or weekly basis - . If you are interested in seeing pictures of the cabin/house, go to http://www.vrbo.com/ and go to listing #72975.
Please also consider taking pledges now for John Lyons tickets for next July. Every dollar you collect will buy a child or youth a ticket who otherwise could not afford one! Let us know if you need a pledge sheet. I will update the site as soon as I get battteries for my digital this week - and have new pics of Mc Lock and Fox Valley Spy to show you!
Until later,