Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Horsey Weekend

I'm sitting at the computer on Sunday night at almost 10:30 pm - where did the weekend go??
It was absolutely gorgeous outside - warm - sunny - summer-like. It was a great day to wake up early on Saturday morning to take four horses and three very excited girls to the Retreat World's Fair and horse show!

Chief, Cricket, Lakehills Texas, and Fargo didn't mind, either. They all came right through the doors in the early morning for hugs and grooming. Even Cricket jumped right into the trailer! Away we went, Lexi, Rachel, Lisa, and I for the 20 minute drive to the ridge. From 8:30-4:30 that day we had the time of our lives. Chief took a blue ribbon in one class and at least a couple of reds in other classes. Tex, on the other hand, was less than patient for Lexi and the poor darling girl really struggled to keep him standing quietly during the halter class. I saw her tears and kicked myself over and over again for taking Tex. Don't get me wrong- Tex is a wonderful, safe, gentle horse. ONE PROBLEM - he doesn't like to stand still! He will wag his tongue, push you with his head, or paw the ground. Once you are up on him and riding he is absolutely fine, but don't ask him to just stand there! I guess that is what made him such a great race horse (he made over $303,000 before we got him), but Lexi didn't deserve such a challenging day. We didn't take Remmie because he kind of got some marks on him from R Colelateral (Cole can be a bully at times), and I didn't want her marked down for that. So in a way it is my fault that she struggled so much. The good news is that she did place several fifth places Saturday and gave her best effort! Fargo and Rachel teamed up instead of Janimal and Rachel. She came away with three 3rd places, one 2nd place, and a fifth place. Way to go!

The girls were able to ride in the parade in Retreat, and Cricket was 100% fabulous under saddle and didnt' mind the commotion or the crowds one little bit. Amy A. got to ride her and I walked to assist the girls with any thing that came up. The most excitement we had was a donkey who decided to try to bail out of the back of a golf-cart type vehicle by going onto the roof - the halter and lead stopped her from making the great escape and it took three men to free her and lower her back down into the back of the vehicle. I was scared something terrible would happen but it all turned out okay.

We got a $500 donation to go towards the feed bill, which has climbed to $1,200. We are not allowed to order any more feed until this is paid off. Thank you so much, Ursula, for that donation. Ursula also has donated her pasture to four of our horses for the summer. We still have over $2,000 in hay bills. As long as we are not adopting out horses we have no way of paying on these unless we receive donations. Maybe an early Christmas gift that would be completely tax deductible?

Hope to hear from you and don't forget these dates:
Saturday October 11 - day ride at Yellow River in Iowa
Sunday, October 19 - day ride at Wildcat Mountain.

Join us if you can!!!

Sunday was spent with mom - she is going through a bit of a hard time and feeling as though she will never get better. We took her out to eat today and to her condominium. She cried a lot and it made me feel terrible to not be able to do or say anything that would make her feel better. I think she is completely entitled to her feelings at this point and we do support her but it is still so hard. Within two weeks she'll be discharged and, hopefully, back in her home with full time care.
If she doesn't return to her condo, she will come to either our home or my sister's, or split between the two.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Super Night Thanks

Super Night is over, and I feel a sense of jealousy at not being at Balmoral Park last night for the first time in, probably, ten years. The important thing for me right now is not to venture too far from home as my mother recovers from her long ordeal in the hospital. I thank you for your prayers. She is making some progress in rehab, but feels very tired and "not right". That is so scary to hear - her blood pressure is low - she sleeps an awful lot, but still enjoys watching her Daniel O Donnell on dvd and she has a room mate who shares the sentiment, so she has company and comraderie (sp?).

I don't think I have ever felt so thankful for the people who volunteered their time to be at Balmoral last night in my place. Alice Hubert of Gratiot (adopter of Penguin Beware, Mini Happi Times, Sunny Forecast, and Pistol Pete N) jumped right in and offered to be the coordinator. Very touching, as well, was an offer by Pat Mouw and Jennie Dowden, both former and/or present race owners (I believe Pat's husband was also a trainer) to man a table at Balmoral. It means so much to know that we share not only a compassion for our equine friends, but that in tough times people are willing to step forward to help out at events like this. I am humbled by their selflessness and generosity and wanted to publicly thank them. They are precious!

My son had his 12th birthday party on Friday. Fifteen enthusiastic 9-12 year olds flooded the farm, and immediately 50% of them asked if they could ride horses. Why, of course!!!! Little Jeffrey John, Lakehills Texas, Remmie, and Chief gave rides, and by the end of the three hours some boys and girls were riding independently. What a great gift in life to have horses like these four who are so safe for the children and so patient and forgiving. Sometimes it absolutely overwhelms me and I ponder why anyone would not want to adopt a breed that can offer life experiences like this? Who knows what impact any one of these horses will have on the lives of the children - our future generation - as they have only good memories of their relationship with a horse and their safe riding experience.

Craig was able to haul Colonel Meacham and Unmasked to their new homes on Saturday. I am never one to offer to take them away from here, though I know each horse is deserving of much more lavish attention than we can give here (with 23 here at a time it is hard to do). Craig was nice enough to go and deliver the boys, who had bonded well together while at the ASAP farm.
There were at least seven people at the adoptive home to greet the horses when they arrived. A German foreign exchange student was also in the mix. That is great timing!

I will share pictures with you of the Chileda summer school day program students that recently visited the farm, and some of our vacation, and maybe a couple of Zach's birthday just for kicks.
What's next? Staying close to home is priority now due to mom's illness, and next weekend is another local 4-h horse show that Remmie, Janimal, and Chief will attend. Of course, R Colelateral gets so jealous when we go anywhere without him - he'll be so upset to see us go. Who knows? Maybe next year he will be a 4-H project horse too! He sure has become a great trail horse, capable of mastering the Black Hills and the wildlife and streams that it contains. It sure has been different riding a four year old horse as opposed to my Cash Wilco, who is now 27. We had 18 years together, "Cash" and I - it still feels bittersweet to pull out of the driveway and see him standing there, fully retired. I know he feels no sadness about being left behind and is fully appreciating doing nothing in particular. I was just so much at home on his back. He was so predictable and so comfortable. Yet, as the days pass, Cole and I are getting to know each other more and, in turn, are becoming "one" as horse and rider too. It just takes time. And love.

I will continue to keep you informed as to mom's progress. OH< I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU................on Thursday as I sat with mom in her room watching, yes, Danny O'Donnell, the telephone rang. Mom picked it up, listened, and then screamed in what I thought was horror, "NO!! I'M GOING TO DIE!". I thought to myself, "Oh no, now what else could possibly have happened????". She talked awhile, and I was trying to piece together the conversation......"How's your mother?" my mom said. "Yust a minute" and she hands the phone to me. I asked her, "Who is it???". She could not answer but shoved the phone at me. I cautiously answered, "Hello?". A voice from far away on the other end said, "Hello, it's Daniel O Donnell. I heard your mother had been ill and in the hospital and I just wanted to give her a call to tell her I was thinking of her". WOW! Evidently, my sister Heidi had phoned his manager and given him a message. Daniel, knowing my mother is quite a fan of his and always knowing her by name, really wanted to phone her personally. I had to explain that mom wasn't really going to die, and that she was so excited that he called that it was just a figure of speech. He was relieved. She got back on the phone and told him we would see him on his tour in North Dakota. ????????? That was news to me! But, hey, if she wants to go, if she's feeling up to it, we'll do anything she wants! After all, it's my mom..............and I am so very thankful to God for every day I have with her and for all the years I have been blessed by being her daughter.
Mom's last words to Daniel were, "Tell your wife I say "hello"".....that was so cute! She was shaking and began calling family and friends to tell them what had just happened. I am so glad he made mom's day.

I just took an hour to try to post all of the pictures and I got a rejection stating something was not "tagged". If anyone can help me out by explaining this maybe I can rectify it? Sorry!

Hugs to you all,

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where Have I Been??????

They say life passes us by at times, and in this case I am still back in August, while things have happened so quickly and, in some ways, surreal=ly, that I have been catpulted into September in a whirlwind of not-so-pleasant events.

It seems like it was last week when the last day of summer school came and our family was on our way to a respite filled with fun and riding out west in the Black Hills. The kids did not remember ever seeing Reptile Gardens or Bear Country, and it was a real thrill for them to go through it. We also had the extreme pleasure of stopping prior to our place in Nemo at an overnight spot where our horses could rest in Chamberlain, SD. We were overjoyed to meet Rick Floyd at Wingmasters, a farm where people fly in from all over the nation to hunt pheasants. We found Rick on a web site for equine overnight stays........and we were treated like family. The best part was a real "western" atmosphere and a great, big, honkin hot tub waiting for us in the middle of the living quarters! Rick had taken off the top of the hot tub and Tina our dog was so thrilled to be out of the truck and indoors that she jumped up onto the wicker and attempted to jump on the "bed" (aka hot tub). Before I could stop her she was in the water and embarassingly surprised at the thing that was supposed to be a bed that turned into a warm swim. I gasped and ran over to rescue her. She was just devastated with the whole experience (she is 13 this year!).........and spent some time sulking and I thought I saw a hint of red in her cheeks..........

The kids loved the journey to Wingmasters because they also had free use of the PS 3 that Rick set up for them. Wow - what a treat! I will send pictures in the next few days....and want to thank Rick for such great hospitality!

On to Nemo and the Reptile Gardens thing, the Bear Country, the Circle J where you can also see the exact spot where Kevin Costner filmed part of Dances with Wolves, and so much else.
Deadwood was the usual great experience with Midnight Star (Kevin Costner's casino and restaraunt), lots of riding!@!!!!! Nemo Guest Ranch eats and treats, friends and family....sitting in the 95=100 degree heat but it felt just fine.................getting a tan, going to pawn shops in Rapid City, and then the bomb drops.......

I was sitting outside sunning when a car pulled up. We don't have a phone at our place in Nemo and we get no signal for our cell phone. The older woman walked up and said she had an emergency message for Susan from Cherie. My daughter had called to tell me she found my mother on the floor in her condo in shock and they were in emergency and things did nto look very good. I felt that awful anxiety that crept from my heart to my throat as I ran for a vehicle that would take me to a lifeline - a phone that I could find out more.

My mother was admitted to the hospital and by the next day was in full gear to the Coronary Care Unit. A very long story short, I was afraid I would lose mom as I hurried across South Dakota and Minnesota to be at her side. Emotionally exhausted, I was unable to drive any further and Craig's mom Sandee and I stopped in Mitchell for short shut-eye. As I was driving the phone calls kept coming - mom is having a heart attack, power of attorney, who signs for surgery if she would need it, she's getting an head was spinning as I silently prayed for time - time to get to my mom's side before something happened.

God was on our side - we got back to La Crosse and I ran up to the CCU. The doctors met with us and told us they felt as though they were losing her and didn't have a clear answer as to why but they felt there was an infection in her body. Tests, tests, more tests. I slept in the hospital that night with my sister. Suddenly the next day, a turn around as mom became more conscious. I went in to see her. She was glad I was back and exact words were, "Something bad happens when you leave me".....tears, laughter, hugs, bittersweet seconds exchanged before she slipped into deep sleep. I thanked God for His grace.

Pastor came- not many relatives and certainly no flowers or gifts (but we did wonder why)......but mom continued to improve. She was moved to a floor that is historically known in our hospital as the "doomsday floor". Lots of terminally ill people sent there - not a good omen. Mom slipped into thing after thing going wrong and became increasingly unresponsive. Finally a week ago the doctors came in to see mom and she was unable to be aroused. They asked me to come in to sign power of attorney so they could do a spinal tap to check for infection in the brain and spinal column. For some reason, after the spinal tap was done, she awoke. She improved. She began speaking (weakly). She had a collapsed lung so respiratory therapy was ordered. She was delirious at times, which was scary. Slowly, all of this began to pass. I just want to thank God when I tell you that she is, today, out of the hospital and in rehab. Go figure!!!!! God isn't finished with her yet and I am so thankful. Everything I am, I realize, I attribute to my mother. Everything I have ever known is from her. I am not ready to be an orphan, although that is a selfish reason for wanting to keep her here. But I know she was wanting to stay with us. So thank God!!!!

I am still preoccupied with seeing her every day, and want to thank Andrea T. and Mike (Comfortex Mattress Co owner but also former colleague of my mother's at Gundersen Lutheran years ago when they worked together) for caring enough to come to see her, hold her, and bring gifts. Mom is still talking about it!!!!

Things that have happened other than this include:

This week we hauled Remmie and Chief up to the Vernon County Fair for 4-H horse show which is Remmie and Chief's first time!!!! Remmie took two 2nd place ribbons in showmanship and halter with Rachel ( my nine year old and first timer who was placed in an upper age class by mistake!!), and Chief took two blue ribbons (way to go Casey and Chief!!). Unfortunately Chief had a nervous breakdown on Friday night because Vernon County has tie in stalls only and he is not used to this and rightly so.......we were on our way to celebrate Zach's 12th birthday when we got the call that Chief might be colicking so we had the vet examine him and he found good gut sounds but appeared very nervous. I explained from my cell that Chief is a very emotional horse and the last time he left home he had a breakdown at the vet's office when he was in for treatment and we had to bring him home with an IV to finish his treatment due to his behavior. It was decided after Chief did not calm down after Banamine to bring him home so thank you Victoria and Mary for doing that so we could enjoy Zach's golden birthday in the Dells!

Tomorrow is more of the horse show at Viroqua and be rooting for Remmie and Rachel as they go in the gaming classes and I will be sure to let you know how things go.

I need TWO VOLUNTEERS For next weekend at Balmoral Park for Super Night to pass out brochures and just talk to anyone interested in adopting a horse. I will pay for gas for anyone to go there to pass out literature and enjoy a great night of racing at no charge since you will be manning a table. Please consider helping us - our donations are down right now and we are really hurting and would appreciate anyone close going to help out ASAP!!!! Call me on my cell at 608-792-5126 if you are thinking about it or have any ideas!

Bless you all,