Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bring Your Horse To IL Horse Fair?

Is anyone available to bring a STB to demo with ASAP at the Illinois Horse
Fair? A last minute commitment has made two stalls available - we will
still be coming with Timesareachanging and Sidney Rain, but question is -
should Taser Gun also come along for the ride now that there is room at
the horse fair? Your input is needed!!!!
Email Sue at asapinc@mwt.net

Monday, February 27, 2012

Broadway Pete!!!!


A recent pic of Pete lovin the hay while being groomed and loved and treated!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pony Cart + More For Sale

A former adopter of a Standardbred who now lives near us in De Soto has
asked me to post this on her behalf. For more information, email Sue at
asapinc@mwt.net or phone 608-792-5126 and I'll pass you along to the
person trying to sell it - thanks!

"We have a new large pony cart and harness forsale. Would you please post
this on your site, we really need to sell this as we don't have a pony
that fits it. Both are brand new never used. We are asking $450.00 for
both. The cart is a easy entry"


Remember the story of RC, the horse who was found in Vernon County, and
surrendered (gifted) to ASAP? You would think that a horse this emaciated
and in such poor condition would not have lived. Thanks to the many ASAP
volunteers, and his new adopter, he is THRIVING!

Thank you to Shannon and Andrea, who helped me respond to the call for
help for RC, and for transporting him to Shannon's barn.

Thank you to Dr. Jan Doelle, who assessed him and recommended a diet to
assist him in gaining weight.

Thank you to Lisa Judd, who fostered RC after his release from Shannon's
barn, and brought him along through good food and love.

Finally, thank you to Dr. Trish Meeks, who adopted RC and put another 200
pounds on the boy through wise use of hayleage and other supplements. RC
is now fat and sassy! ASAP couldn't have done it without all of you! Thank you!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

$3 Purchases One Bale of Hay - Help Horses and Pay Pal Now!

If you use Pay Pal, why not go to our web site at
www.4thehorses.com and gift a bale of hay to your favorite ASAP horse?

We are at that time of year again where we need to reach out for help to
feed the horses in care.

Please consider even one bale of hay - $3 - and help feed A R N E, Bob
Cook, Lakehills Texas, Brandy, Timesareachanging, Taser Gun, and more!
Please? Better yet, purchase 5 bales for $15!~~~~

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thank You!


ASAP received a very special surprise yesterday.
Dr. Jan Duolle from Fountain City came to do vet checks on horses and
begin drawing blood for coggins.

While Jen (Sidney Rain's adopter) stayed with Dr. Jan to check horses and
draw blood, Sue and Kim (soon to be Broadway Pete's adopter!) ran up the
road to load Pete and bring him to the farm for his coggins.

We had five scheduled horses Friday, and six that are still waiting to be
drawn. What a surprise to find out that Jen M. generously paid for all of
ASAP's horses to have their coggins done! Thanks to Jen and AJ for
gifting the following horses' coggins!

Taser Gun
(Sidney Rain)
Market Analysis (who we scheduled for the next time out)

What a gift to ASAP - every bit counts! And thank you to Andrea T. and
Comfortex Mattress Company for their donation received today.

Now to find a way to sponsor us at Illinois Horse Fair! Anyone care to
sponsor Timesareachanging to pay for gas for the trip down? We still very
much need the support to make the event a reality! To add to this,
Timesareachanging will require special farrier work done next Tuesday to
fill a horrific crack in his front hoof. The fronts will then also
require shoes...another expense we were not expecting!

We are officially out of hay.......but hope with our recent donation to
get a new shipment in tomorrow.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Galley Fighter - Available for Adoption (Listed as Galley)


Placing owner writes:

His registered name is Galley Fighter 0D517 9. We call him Galley. His
was Laag. He raced once and is listed as a pacer which really surprised
me (never
seen him do that) I got him from a lady who used to work on the tracks
and now
takes in horses to find them homes. She told me his groom cried when he
left. They
backed him about 6 times and then sold him to me, I got him and rode him
with my
friend in the woods and down the road. No formal training he just did it
because of
his temperment. We walked with him and took it easy. I took him down the
road by
himself this spring and trotted a little, he was fine but giving him more
of a
foundation would be the fair thing to do. I know he will be an awesome
horse with
training because of how well he has already done. Right now he needs some
lessons and exercise (probably only a handful given his disposition) so not a
beginner rider.

Check Out the Site


I know at times the ASAP website doesn't change for awhile.
Be sure to check out our Horses Available page for changes and updates. Carmen, our placement gal and web site tech has been working hard to put
up pictures and update narratives to our page.

Be sure to keep checking as we continue to expand on the horses already
listed. Also, don't forget to support ASAP with your tax deductible gift.
Select Pay Pal on the www.4thehorses.com home page, or mail a gift to
ASAP. Consider sponsoring a horse who is waiting for a home!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Galley Needs A Ride! Michigan To Wisconsin!

Ride needed for a 5 year old Standardbred gelding from Gladwin, Michigan,
to either ASAP farm near La Crosse, WI or a hopeful foster farm or adopter
in Wisconsin.

If you can help provide transportation for Galley, let Sue know at
asapinc@mwt.net or phone her cell at 608-792-5126.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Blind STB Mare May Be Euthenized

If anyone can help, please let me know. It is urgent that we try to
assist a blind Standardbred mare who was rescued from neglect along with
other horses from the same farm near Dane County. She has been
rehabilitated and is now in good health, aside from being blind.

Dane county officials may euthenize her if we cannot find a home for her
to go to. Foster families or adoptive - anyone with experience in caring
for blind animals - let's try to help!

Contact Sue at 608-792-5126 cell or asapinc@mwt.net

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sponsorship for Illinois Horse Fair - TASER GUN


Gear up for the nation's first horse fair of the season, the first weekend
in March!

We have only a limited amount of time to raise sponsorship money to bring
TASER GUN back to the great state of Illinois to say "hello" to past
owner, trainer, and fans. Please consider your gift to help pay for stall
costs and transport for the 700 mile round trip from Wisconsin to

Also welcome Sidney Rain, former trotter, who will travel with Taser, and
be joined by two Standardbreds adopted and owned by Michelle Daniels of

We are excited for this opportunity, but need your support to make it
happen! Please go to www.4thehorses.com and pay by Pay Pal, or send your
donation to:

S6039 Pedretti Lane
De Soto, WI 54624

Paint filly needs home - ASAP

Please consider giving this filly, who was rescued as a weanling, a home.
Placing owners are relocating and cannot take her with them- we want to
assure them that she gets a great home.

Horse has been vet checked and is doing well - sound and healthy - will
not be over 14'1 hands due to a rough start in life. Contact ASAP at
608-792-5126 cell or email Sue at asapinc@mwt.net

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hay Needed - ASAP!

We are actively seeking hay, but need it delivered due to lack of
equipment on our farm to haul quantities needed.
If you have a pickup load, or a wagon load, and are willing to deliver
please let us know! We are in a position to purchase hay at this time.
Thank you!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Busy Day at ASAP!!!

What a beautiful day....with the sunshine brought many old friends, and some new ones.

Thanks to Pete M. for his donation of a pickup load of hay today! Pete has adopted Sadie, Gym Knoll Tons, Sugar and Ginger and he continues to surprise us with his generosity.

Thanks to Rhonda A. for coming over today to see our horses. She is currently fostering Shimmering Joseph, and we compared many notes as we troubleshoot what is causing Joseph's lameness.

Thanks to the high school gang and Tony B. for teaching them. Thanks to Breanna G. for coming to coach the girls in barrels!

Jen came to ride her lovely horse Sidney Rain, and brought a friend who tagged along on Cobrador Kosmos. Cobra was a muddy mess, and I think it took longer to groom the dirt off Cobra than the actual ride!

Thanks to Bryan and Kim for coming over - what a great feeling to see them pull into the driveway. Bryan and Kim previously had adopted Pan Overboard, who passed away last year. I was anxious to introduce Bryan and Kim to Market Analysis - somehow I thought that might be a match. We'll see.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Hello everyone!

We were honored to receive a donation from the site DarkHorseBet out of
Columbus, Ohio. This is an on-line wagering site which offers players the
opportunity to support a racing-related charity. Players simply choose
one of the charities on the home page and add it to their players profile,
which in turn donates .1% of the total play.

I would like to encourage everyone who can to go to DarkHorseBet.com and
join the site. You can have your wagering dollars support ASAP!

Thanks to Trish S. for her efforts.

Squire One

Hope Mollie doesn't mind - sharing these beautiful pictures of Squire One,
Mollie and little Carter! Squire came from Kentucky, and was adopted by
Mollie several years ago. Looks like he's great with children like most
all Standardbreds!