Saturday, February 23, 2008

And Heeeeerrrrrrrre She Issssssss!!!

Sweet mother of Pearl!!!!

I got pictures today as temperatures soared to at least 25 degrees (downright balmy, isn't it?)....

as Ty, Alec, Zach, Amy, Erich, and Rachel joined me in the barn for all the excitement.

We turned Pearl out briefly to stretch her legs, but when we called her she came right back to the gate. She has a thing for Taser already (even from far away his pizzazz stuns the ladies!!) and he was eyeing her up, too. A couple of the kids commented that Pearl wasn't much for Taser to feast his eyes upon, but she had that special "something" that made him stand up and take notice (oh that TASER!!!!).

So here are the pictures - I should have gotten some of the scar tissue she has on her ankle area that looks as though it may have affected the hoof at one point, but it has not affected her ability to move fluidly and her hoof is not malformed whatsoever. Enjoy, and help me find Pearl a home!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Okay, we got a call today from an Amish man, stating he was dropping off a mare.
Of course you know Craig was not at all happy................I said nothing, hoping the horse would not appear but wanting to help at the same time.

He arrived 20 minutes ago, with a tall gentle Standardbred mare he calls "Pearl". He said she got injured two years ago (ugly scar tissue around front ankle) and hasn't been sound for a lot of road driving. She walked and trotted off sound - put her in the barn to eat. She isn't too thin. He commented the mare was trained English and Western riding before he got her. She is extremely well behaved and gentle...........I don't know her age yet but we are tracing her tattoo.

Please if you are thinking of taking on a great gentle horse she would be the one! Contact me at or call 608-689-2296.

That's it for today - pictures coming.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hi everyone,

We have a Standardbred mare who is IN FOAL who needs immediate fostering or adoption.

She is at a farm near Cashton WI - she has been in with a gelding, but also a neighboring stallion broke down the fence last May and bred this ASAP mare - she may be due to foal in May.

Her condition is not good - the adopter reports that despite the feed she has been receiving she has lost a considerable amount of weight. She is extremely thin and with the cold temperatures and her condition we are worried for her well-being. Can anyone step up to the plate to help Breta? We can take her here at ASAP, but would prefer someone to help that does not have 23 other horses already at the farm to monitor and care for. Please call me at 608-689-2296 or 608-792-5126 for contact information for this mare! We need to help her!

As a point of comparison, the photo above is of Bullwinkle and Shay N Telle, both of whom were relinquished to ASAP by the adopter when feed became scarce. This is NOT the case for Breta, who is being cared for and the adopter is a responsible individual who has had Breta for several years. However, her condition is not optimal at this point in time.


Saturday, February 16, 2008


Hi Everyone,

Well it's happened again - we are in the red again.....winter has been super tough on the horses and they keep eating and eating...$$$, $$$$, $$$$$

I will have the results of last year's income and expenses this week, but in the meantime would you consider buying something to help ASAP out of the hole?

We had a large donation from a large Iowa distributor again this past week. We now have about 600 Magic Muzzles, countless treat balls to hang in stalls, the round treat inserts to go into them (hundreds!), 2 gallon flat side feed pails, hay nets, halters......make a donation and we'll send you one!!! If you want pictures I can post them here...........

Remember. the only way ASAP makes money to support horses is through adoption fees and donations. If you can help us make a difference, we would welcome your support!
How about adopting another horse???? I can only try!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Illinois Horse Fair

The days tick away.......and before I realize it there are only a couple of weeks left until the Illinois Horse Fair in Springfield!

Since the horse fair starts at the tail end of February, you can only guess my anxiety at having to travel the 6+ hours on icy roads. Last year we had a full scale blizzard when we left. I assured Craig that the line was in Dubuque if we could make it that far. Well........I guess I fibbed or misunderstood the forecast, as the dangerous driving conditions, ice, snow, and winds stayed with us all the way to Springfield. So I want to ask any of you who live closer to Springfield if you are able to help us demonstrate at teh horse fair? I guess my words on this page would not encourage you to do so, since you are thinking, "uh uh - I'm not going to risk my neck to get a horse to the fair"......but maybe the roads will be clear and the temps will be a balmy 40 or better? Let's think positive! Dondi usually helps me by demonstrating at this horse fair but she is going to Road To The Horse in Tennessee that weekend, so I need your help.

Also, we are seeking business sponsorships to help us defray the cost of motel and diesel. If you know any companies that may contribute please let me know.

Another snow storm today - and frigid temperatures. I am off to my son's fifth grade ski trip, then have a job interview for a school position at 1:10 (wish me luck!) and then do chores, then off to work from 3-6. WHEW - it's gonna be a long day!

I'll write more later, but please think about participating at the horse fair. Taser Gun will be there, but judging from the way he behaves when I put him in a stall at night, it's going to be a long weekend of rearing, kicking stall walls, and head tossing!!!!! He is one charismatic, smart horse!



Monday, February 4, 2008

If Ony I Had Never Said "Yes"

I have been grieving quite a bit over the loss of Angel Spirit recently. I guess I am blaming myself for her existence and, consquently, her early death. You see, way back in the beginning was Land Of Witches. She came to us as a lame mare - I believe she had a racing injury but cannot say that for was many years ago now. My husband could not believe the size of her hock....and we knew that she would certainly only be suitable as a brood mare (could she carry the weight of a foal inside her?), or as a companion horse.

We felt as though it was a blessing when we ran into the equine professors from UW in Madison at a horse fair. They had come to our booth and were looking for horses that they could study from. I was immediately skeptical, thinking they would perform harsh experiments, but she showed me the pictures of horses on a treadmill, where they took pulse and respiration data. They said that they did reproductive studies on horses as well, so mares would be desired.

Two horses went to UW, with one of them being Land of Witches. She was there for at least a couple of years before we got the call that they were no longer needed for study, and would I like to have the two mares bred before we took them back to ASAP? I thought it would be extremely exciting (most people do) so I agreed to have them bred by a STB stallion that they had at UW.

The following year two beautiful little fillies were born to the mares, and we named one Angel Spirit (to counteract the name Land of Witches!) and Mercy, or Mercedes.

If I had never said "Yes", Angel would have never been born, and I wouldn't be feeling the guilt over the fact that she NEVER was adopted by anyone, but thankfully Carmen and Kim in Minnesota gave her heatlh and happiness and love. Because of my own selfish thoughts of having another foal and the excitement related to it, she came into the world but never really had a place. I am so sorry she is gone - we will truly miss her.

On a more positive note, we had a grand day on Saturday with teens and adults coming together and Will having his weekly lesson, and lots of hugs, kisses, and attention for all of the horses here at ASAP! I want to include pictures for your enjoyment!

One more thing: I have two five month old chickens that have weathered the winter quite nicely and have been healthy. Suddenly on Saturday, my rooster who is only about 1.5 pounds or so, decided to quit walking. He is eating and his eyes are bright - no respiratory distress - but he cannot walk on his legs. Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be? Any ideas are appreciated and, for now, the chickens are in a cage in my sun room (ick)

I'll write more later!
