Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Holidays


I have been trying to get into my blogspot all week. For some reason I have not been able to log on, feeling extremely frustrated. For some reason, today, it worked!

I wanted to share the latest pictures of Remmie the Standardbred we acquired from the Amish, and to let you know the latest goings on. I have finished the end of year newsletter and it is at the printer right now. the next week the first copies should be arriving in your mailbox!

Horse adoptions are fairly slow, and this week another mare showed up at our doorstep so that puts us at five in the lower arena, and five in the two paddocks up above. Arne came back to the farm and is in with our own seven horses. Remmie, the Amish Standardbred, really has no where to go so we rotate him between the upper pasture (which has been shut off to our own horses) and the barn. He was so eager to get out of the barn two days ago that when I opened his stall and turned around to get the lead rope he SHOT past me and trotted, tail in air, down the driveway and up the road. I screamed "CRRRAAAIIIIIGGGG", but it was in away I ran down the driveway and to the gate to the pasture. If any of you have ever been here you know our neighbor is not a big fan of horses, and if any hoof even comes CLOSE to his lawn he is out yelling profusely at us. Two teens and Zach spent an entire afternoon filling divets in the lawn after a nice rain last summer. Evidently, someone had left a gate unlatched and horses helped themselves to the lush green grass in our neighbor's yards. So I was in panic mode, knowing the wrath that was upon me if I didn't think of something quick to catch Remmie with. Now, I know better than to run after a horse who is feeling pretty good about having gotten away and is free, so I pulled one of Gawani Pony Boy's strategies and opened up the gate to the pasture really wide and walked into the pasture and bent over as if I were pouring grain out for Remmie. The dogs all ran up to see what I was doing, and Remmie, who was standing quite proudly smack dab middle of the cranky neighbor's lawn, couldn't stand it. I didn't dare look, but stayed bent over as if I was doing something veryyyyy curious, and I heard the hard clippety-clop of his hooves as he trotted about 20 mph towards the pasture gate, through the gate, and up to my "pretend" pile. I scrambled for the gate and chained it swiftly. Remmie put his tail in the air and headed up hill towards the greener part of the pasture and I humbly, gingerly, quietly, hoping to be invisib-ly tippy toed up the road to my driveway, praying "Please don't let him come out and yell, please don't let him come out and yell". Well, I was in luck! He and his wife must not have been looking, or better yet, they must not have been home! Whew.....I have learned that I will have the lead rope ready to clip on before I ever open the gate or stall door again to get Remmie out!!!! By the way, he does need a home very soon. Doesn't anyone want a horse that rides and drives? Please get ahold of me!

The weather has gotten me down a pinch, but not having snow is good. Wouldn't it be nice to not get any white stuff until January? It would make the winter seem so much shorter. I am already dreaming of Yuma, Orlando, or San Diego!!!!

Thanks to so many, our finances have almost recovered. We accepted donations in excess of $10,000 since I last wrote. Thanks so much to those of you who have supported us for 14 years now and continue to believe in our mission. We want to be faithful stewards, and we are learning that we don't know unless we ask!

Will write more before Christmas - hope everyone is well!



Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday's Horse

Here is a wonderful POA that you cannot pass up!
A family contacted ASAP hoping to find a lifetime placement with ASAP.
Jetta is a young POA mare - silver/gray in color. She has been ridden both Western and bareback, and occasionally with a bitless bridle. She is healthy and sound, but must be moved shortly. She is within the 920 area code in Wisconsin. Please get ahold of me quickly at or 608-689-2296 if you or someone you know is interested!

Also, special thanks to Jackie Tierney of Iowa for all her hard work in fostering Tilly the registered breeding stock Paint. She went way out of her way to help with a hard situation and provided great care for Tilly.
Hats off to you! And thanks to Katy in Wisconsin for providing for her in her new home.

The Amish horse is gaining weight rapidly and I will post pictures tomorrow or the next day. He is energetic and sassy despite all he has been through, and his bottom lip flops when he trots - oh so cute!

Monday, November 12, 2007

New Horses Needing Homes

Hey all.....
Until we get the new web master up and moving, I will post new horses that are needing homes right here. I don't have pictures yet, but as of today I have taken in the following:

12 year old Arabian gelding - in Wisconsin - healthy and well mannered, for personal reaons this horse needs a home. Please contact or call 608-689-2399

This 24 year old COAL BLACK stallion made over $800,000 during his lifetime. He has sired over 10 foals but it is time to find him a permanent home. He is currently near Effingham Illinois. He is easy to handle and is on turnout. Call 608-689-2399 or email me at

20 year old Standardbred stallion. Bay, average height and build.
This horse raced until age 9 or 10, and has been a family pet ever since.
He is easy going and gentle - up to date on shots and worming - on turnout and located near Balmoral Park in Crete, Illinois. Elmhurst is sound and healthy and looks more like a 10 year old. Please call 608-689-2296 or email

6 year old Standardbred gelding located near Barrington, Illinois. This horse had a hip fracture at some point and the owners feel he cannot be ridden, though he runs and frolics in pasture. If he is not placed he may be euthenized, as the boarding farm is accumulating other horses.
Please call the numbers above or email me! We want to save this wonderful sweet horse who still has years to give to the right person!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Web Site and Other Information

Can you believe it has been this long since I updated the blogs? Remmie is steadily putting on weight - he is the Amish horse pictured in my last blog. He now whinnies each time he sees me and has a bounce in his step that says, "Life is good!". We turn him out each morning by himself in his own big pasture. I am sure he is waiting for taking a trip into town, but it isn't happening! Once the fat covers his bones I will be eager to try him out for riding. His coggins is back and he is coming along better than we expected. Now to find him a good home!!

I think Dondi and I will coordinate the Midwest Horse Fair in 08. Now we need to know who will fill our 8 stalls. If you are interested please make sure to get with me quickly. I believe four stalls are filled already. The theme for next year's horse fair is "Dancing With the Horses". HMMMMMMMM.....the light bulb is on!

We need someone willing to, once again, update our web site, or teach me how to do it. The gal who was doing it has decided to resign for horse-related reasons. Since she was charging ASAP for her services it is money saved, but we are willing to pay someone else to maintain it if totally necessary. So please - this is urgent- think about it and if your heart is in it give me an email at

The Country Today paper was out to do an article on Taser Gun and ASAP. That should be out next week. And Hoofbeats will do an article on ASAP after the holidays! As far as John Lyons goes, I am thinking of having people collect pledges. Any pledges collected earns one ticket - one pledge sheet per person. What are your thoughts on this as opposed to a straight ticket price? Thanks to Heather F. (adoptive mom of Kokinos and Silent Pursuit) for helping us get the word out about John Lyons coming next July 19.

Gotta run, but hope to hear from you!
