Special thanks to Jenny A. of J & D Horse Rescue near Arena, WI!!!! She has given Kobe (aka Cobb, aka Koby) the aged Arabian gelding a forever home!! Thanks also to the home that Stilwell's for taking care of him during the past year(s). Kobe is acting like a three year old, neighing in his stall and wanting to join the others on the farm. Hopefully that day will come this week and he will make new friends.
Jetta, the POA, was scheduled to arrive today but plans took a turn when the placing owner found a buyer, so Jetta will, sadly, not be coming to ASAP.
There are still plenty of horses needing homes - Skittles is scheduled to once again make an arrival after health papers are issued. He has had professionial training under saddle but is still very young and is a little too friendly with the adopter's Quarter horse mare, if you know what I mean! LOL. Little Tyrone is coming back after a two year adoption by a family with a young gal who is moving where she will not have horses. Tyrone, according to the adoptive family, was a gentleman who took good care of his young mount. They enjoyed rides together in southwest Wisconsin, but he has had to be separated from his pasture mate, who was purchased by a man elsewhere in Wisconsin, and Tyrone was left behind. It would be nice to find him a home where he can be enjoyed for all he is worth.
An Indiana horse is waiting to come, pending room at ASAP. He is standing in line along with a gelding from Springfield, IL, a gelding named Grand Red Watch in Iowa, and all the horses in foster care. So don't be shy - come and take a peek and help a horse find a home.
Fellowship Divine has captured my heart. He is a tall horse who always wants to do his best. He has a "woe is me" look on his face that just makes you want to stand and hold his head in your lap and stroke him to make him feel better. I think he is happy, as evidenced by the way he kickes up his heels, but the attention he deserves would come better from someone who didn't have to share it with 20+ other horses. I pray for the right person to come along.
And what about Remmie?????? This poor Amish horse was being pulled in three different directions by three different adopters who wanted him, but no one has come to make them their own!? What's up with that? He is still here, big brown eyes peering out for me to exit the house, whinnying for attention (and food of course!!!). WE have to keep him separated here, since Taser has a strong dislike for him (note bite marks on Remmie's sides!) and he is low man in pecking order wherever he goes. We have to carry water to him daily. I just want a Christmas miracle for him.
I had a fantastic and busy weekend with two young men who stayed overnight that LOVE horses! Lucky me! The ten and 12 year old could hardly stand waiting for me to get done with my indoor duties before going out in the COLD to ride Tex and Chief. Well, we only got as far as Tex before my frost-bitten toes and the icy driveway convinced me that taking one horse out ONLY was the best decision, and an indoor arena would keep it short but sweet. It sure is great to see that enthusiasm!
Jesus birthday is almost here. If you haven't seen it yet, the Nativity Story is a touching movie that helps even children further appreciate and understand the meaning of Christmas. I think it also did a commendable job of portraying Joseph as the man I am certain he was, faced with the circumstances. Every year that I am allowed to live I am more and more in awe of all that is arond me. I am also exceedingly thankful. With Taser Gun healthy and happy, and Steelin Apples, and Remmie the Amish horse, and Strawberry and Brandy and all of my own horses who are well into their 20s still thriving........my children and husband healthy, and a wonderful home I hardly have anything to complain about, but often rejoice and thank God out loud for being my Father. It has taken me a lifetime to fully comprehend what a true father is, but He has taught me and continues to show me his unconditional love and mercy as evidenced by all that is around me on a daily basis. Merry Christmas to you all!!!