Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Vet Report at ASAP

Today our wonderful equine vet came out to the ASAP farm to finish fall
checks on the rest of the horses.

Brandy is 26 and we had to sedate her to even get to look at her teeth
(anyone who knows Brandy knows she bites at times, and we have never been
able to deworm her using a paste because she will literally come off the
ground if you try to get into her mouth. So, she was sedated and the good
news was that her teeth are in good shape and didnt need a power float!

I thought Arne would need it, as he is on the lean side. It must be his
arthritic hock bothering him with age, because the vet inspected him and
said he had really nice choppers that didn't need attention!

Bob Cook had a "wave" so needed sedation and power float.

Cobrador Kosmos had his pearly whites closely investigated, and the vet
said he had great teeth with no attention needed.

Taser Gun is fine, Janimal is fine, Cash Wilco's teeth are in mighty fine
shape despite the fact that he will be 30!

Taser Gun decided he was not fond of having Sydney Rain and Cobrador
Kosmos turned out with him, and spent the entire night keeping the
geldings away from the hay feeder. Sooooo....tonite Taser got moved. Herd aggressive. Ugh...and Timesareachanging went out of his way NOT to
welcome back Lakehills Texas from donated pasture, so last night he spent
his time chasing Tex incessantly in an effort to kill him. Tex is 26 and
Times is only 11 (I think if my memory serves me correctly).....so Times
got yanked out of his pasture and is now in the barn til I figure out how
make our turnouts and numbers work and hope every body can get along.

Welcome Sydney Rain to ASAP too, and Jen M!

So now all ASAP horses have had their fall checkups and are ready for
winter. As I looked in the arena I panicked - hay is quickly dwindling
down as the numbers of horses here grow. Let us know if you have any
hay to donate or know of any good fundraisers. The round bales we have
left in the barn are not suitable to feed, but the small squares are going
fast now. NERVOUS......