Saturday, January 28, 2012

Nice People Still In World

Despite the disappointments and let-downs that people closest to us can
bring, I have found today that there are still a few selfless and generous
people left in this world!

My heart and thanks go out to Gwen and her husband from near Wisconsin
Dells. ASAP was planning on purchasing their round bale feeder, but when
Gwen investigated further, she found that ASAP was an organization they
would like to help and support.

Today Gwen and her husband brought a like-new silver, sturdy bale feeder
to the ASAP farm, rolled it out, and set it up! They got the tour and met
all of the horses. A few of their personal favorites included Cobrador
Kosmos and Bob Cook and Arne. The question always comes up whether or not
the racing industry supports programs that help ex race horses.........I
always refer back to the days when the racing industry and organizations
sent several thousand dollars a year to support the racing greats, and
pray no one asks me "What about now?"............

We are so happy that because of caring horse loving people out there, we
can continue to serve the Standardbreds...and all of the other horses who
find their way to ASAP!!!!