I still have to get some pictures of horse fair to put up, but if you want to see video of the demonstration it is available at www.youtube.com and go to Illinois Horse Fair - fun!!!
Taser already seems bored. We had to close the rear pasture off to let it grow - patience, my friends, patience. Mud surrounds us, but I know this is necessary to get to warm spring air and green grass.
The weekend was a gift to ASAP and to me. We met a new friend in Louie from Madison. He spent Saturday getting to know several horses including Times, R Colelateral, Taser Gun, and Steelin Apples. There was lots of grooming to be done, with mud caked on most! Louie also helped me clean out a very muddy pen that the skidsteer has not had time to do yet. We shoeveled and picked our way through about seven inches of winter "yuk", but the pen looked great when we were done. It was so great to have his help. When he left, he also gave ASAP a $40 donation for allowing him to be there. What a gift!
Along with the many fine Standardbreds standing here, waiting, waiting waiting for homes.......we also have a draft cross mare who is in need of placement. She is a cute little thing - a bay with white star and little white snip. She has draft legs and a short body - a long flowing forelock and tail and a clipped mane. She reportedly had a Cobb/Welsh dam and a QH/draft sire. She is smart and a bit sassy, but loves people. She has the curiosity and mischieviousness of a pony, but is not one bit spooky or flighty. I have been told she is an escape artist, and knows where all the goodies are when she gets out. She has great respect for electric fences, and gets along well with geldings. Not always with other mares......you can see a youtube video of her on our site under Lexus. She was ridden by a little girl from age 7 to age 9, then has not done much recently but is ready to go to a new home and needs a job! Let me know if you are interested!!!
Jordyn and Robin came to the farm over the weekend. Jordyn had fun getting to know King, Fitz and A Team and she rode Remmie both days. Jordyn and Robin spent both weekend nights putting together picture greeting cards for ASAP - beautiful snap shots of horses from ASAP mounted on card paper and decorated - we may have some for sale at Midwest Horse Fair (for donation I should say - ahem) so be sure to ask for them. Special thanks to Jordyn and Robin for all of their hard work on behalf of the horses! I also want to thank them for being here when my mother decided to take a little spill while cleaning steps outside the sun room. Nothing major - not even a bruise, but when mom sits down or goes down she can't get back up without help!!!
So grateful to Robin for hearing her call for help, and for my father in law, Gene, for coming to help lift her up. Luckily it was a warm day!! We are also very lucky to have family or friends here basically all of the time for support.
Only one thing on my mind - "Let's ride!!!"
At the same time, I must think about the many horses here that need homes and where in the world we go to find the right families. Max Lucado is one of my favorite inspirational writers. Today's devotional seemed just for me - the bible verse for the day was "If anyone ministers, let him do it wiht the ability which God supplies."
Max goes on to say this:
"God shaped you according to your purpose ... Your ability to diagnose an engine problem by the noise it makes, to bake a cake without a recipe. You knew the Civil War better than your American history teacher...How do you explain such quirks of skill?
God. He knew young Israel would need a code, so he gave Moses a love for the law. He knew the doctrine of grace would need a fiery advocate, so he set Paul ablaze. And in your case, he knew what your generation would need and gave it. He designed you. And (this is my favorite part)......HIS DESIGN DEFINES YOUR DESTINY>"
Isn't that cool?
Have a great day, and don't forget about our many puppies who need homes!!! A donation to ASAP gets you the puppy of your choice - please consider a puppy!