We got the word from the quarantine/layover barn this week that Firstkin
and the Amish gelding MUST be moved. They have accumulated a $12 per horse per day bill, and ASAP is going to
owe a shipper approximately $800-$900 to have Pine Hill Willie, Firstkin,
and the Amish gelding hauled to our location. Once here, homes must be located immediately to avoid overflow at the farm.
The contact number for the woman who is asking us to move horses is
201-233-1024. Thank you in advance for any ideas/suggestions/or help! Susan
and the Amish gelding MUST be moved. They have accumulated a $12 per horse per day bill, and ASAP is going to
owe a shipper approximately $800-$900 to have Pine Hill Willie, Firstkin,
and the Amish gelding hauled to our location. Once here, homes must be located immediately to avoid overflow at the farm.
The contact number for the woman who is asking us to move horses is
201-233-1024. Thank you in advance for any ideas/suggestions/or help! Susan